Tag Archives: chiropractic care

Researching Chiropractic: ADHD

How are chiropractic care and ADHD related?

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?

Probably most of them.

ADHD in a 38-year-oldADHD 36 year old man

A 38-year-old male patient entered a chiropractor’s office complaining of chronic headaches and adult onset attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He was taking Adderall®, OxyContin® and Lortab®.

On examination, vertebral subluxations with correlated neurological imbalance were found.

After two months of chiropractic adjustments he reported a resolution of all his ADHD symptoms; he was able to focus and to exercise.

He was also able to stop taking medications for ADHD.

Do you know someone struggling with ADHD? Please share this article.

Pellegrino A, McNulty E. Resolution of adult onset attention deficit hyperactivity disorder following chiropractic care for management of vertebral subluxations: a case report & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. June 11, 2018:95-107.

Latest News from Charmaine: September 2018

Greetings all,April 2018

Well, routines are being established again and the fall weather is approaching.  Grand Ledge holds its annual Color Cruise event October 11-14th and, I don’t know about you’ but our social schedules are filling up fast.

What with Quilting (and helping a friend or two to make a quilt) yoga, powerlifting, Zumba and office stuff, I find myself running out of time.

One thing I have really mastered is the idea of doubling up on my cooking so that I can have meals at the ready for the crazy days. I believe if you are cutting 1 onion you might as well do 2 (cuts down on stinky hands)!  I also saw a tip recently, where the author suggested doubling a chili slow cooker recipe and bagging half the ingredients (uncooked) and freezing that for later…genius!!!

Chiropractically, I love that everybody is doing the weekend warrior stuff and getting involved in sports. If I may suggest, please make a point of getting checked regularly to make sure you and yours are in good health to enjoy the wonderful fall ahead of us to the max!

See you in the office, on the table, on the mat or under the barbells.

Couldn’t refuse this giggle…

I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. – Sigmund Freud

Latest News from Charmaine: August 2018

Greetings all,April 2018

Well, with our kids going back to school, comes the obvious signs that fall is just around the corner and somewhat cooler temperatures, we might hope.  Quite honestly, much as I might gripe about the heat, I honestly do not believe we here in Michigan have much to complain about when you see what is happening in the rest of the country, what with floods and fires and crazy hot temperatures.  As Dr. Ray is wont to say “another day in Paradise” and I have to agree with him.  There is enough variety to make it interesting, and few, if any, major catastrophes.

I have just completed my 4th Senior Olympics in power lifting and have my sights set on competing in States in December…another day, another goal.

So, with the kids going back to school—- I have enclosed an article on Backpack safety and also some”fallish”  recipes as the cooler weather settles in.

See you in the office, on the table, on the mat or under the barbells!

What is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?

Do you know what cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is? cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Your brain has a special fluid circulating inside it called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Lots of veins and arteries in your brain are filled with blood yet there are special cavities and passageways in your brain and spinal cord filled with CSF.

What is CSF? It’s like your blood plasma – that is, blood without the red blood cells. It does amazing things. For one thing the CSF helps your brain pulsate and that is reflected in the pulsing of your skull (cranial) bones that creates a wave-like motion 8-12 times per minute. (6)

Other things your CSF does:

  • Temperature control (brain anti-freeze)
  • Waste removal
  • Nutrition
  • Creates cranial bone motion and brain (dural) tension
  • Protective barrier against trauma
  • Chemical buffer against toxins
  • Gives the brain buoyancy, physical and chemical support

Chiropractic adjustments, by releasing stress on the structural system, help promote the unobstructed flow of CSF through the brain and spinal cord.

What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Chiropractic care can help with all sort of things. Even things that are hard to pronounce like Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Ankylosing Spondylitis in a 38-year-oldankylosing spondylitis

A 38-year-old man entered a chiropractor’s office complaining of upper back pain, neck pain, left groin and bilateral buttock pain, right patella and right medial heel pain. Ten years prior, the patient sought medical consultation with a rheumatologist and was diagnosed with Reiter’s Syndrome, which was later amended to Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). He was told he’d continue to deteriorate over the years.

Medical care consisted of Pamidronate and Alendronate (prescription medications) that he had discontinued on his own.

The patient reported relief of all his pain symptoms, increased mobility and improved posture. He had 16 appointments for care over a one-year period with constant improvement. He continues care on a periodic basis.


Alcantara J, Alcantara J, Alcantara J. improvement in quality of life, posture, range of motion and pain following chiropractic care of a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research.April 12, 2018:68-76.

Autism and Chiropractic Care

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Autism and Chiropractic Care

A 10-year-old girl diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)  and complained of:

  • neck pain
  • low back pain
  • insomnia

Autism and Chiropractic Care

In addition, she exhibited head banging and other uncontrolled behavior.

A total of 12 chiropractic adjustments were delivered to her occiput, C1, C2, sacrum, and coccyx over an eight-week period. When she first came to the clinic she held herself in a protective position: taut and rigid. However, after an adjustment she became much more relaxed, her outbursts ceased, she was calmer and her sleep improved.

Do you know anyone with the above symptoms? Please share this article with them. We’d love to help!


Reference: Pappicco M. Improved health outcomes & quality of life in a 10-year-old child with autism spectrum disorder following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: a case study & selective review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic~ March 22, 2018:7-12.

Do chiropractors help with more than just back problems?

Spend some time in a chiropractor’s waiting room (such as ours) and you’ll see people with lots of different problems coming in for care:

  • babies with ear infectionsSciatica
  • kids with asthma
  • pregnant women wanting an easier labor and delivery
  • people with colds and the flu
  • Folks suffering from digestive issues
  • People with headaches and migraines
  • Women with menstrual problems and/or fertility problems
  • People suffering from elimination problems
  • Those with hearing and vision problems
  • (And of course) people with back, neck, arm, leg, shoulder, hip and other pains

Why? It’s because the nerves that come from the spine go to all your internal organs and if there is a blockage where the nerves emanate in the spine (a subluxation) it can and often does affect the function of the organs, and even the function of the entire body.

So, do chiropractors help with more than just back problems? The answer is YES! drawing of spinal column and nerves

It’s understandable that people think that chiropractors are “back doctors” because they work on the spine. However, chiropractic care is for the whole person and chiropractors work on the entire body – they just do it through the spine because that’s where many health-damaging subluxations appear.

It doesn’t matter what conditions you have – you always need a healthy spine to maximize your healing potential. That’s especially true if you are dealing with serious health concerns.

Call and schedule an appointment today and start feeling better!


Chiropractic and Stress: How it helps!

chiropractic and stressWhat do chiropractic and stress have in common?

Life is full of ups and downs that are stressful. Even good events such as marriage, the birth of a child, buying a home, family reunions, vacations and many other joyful activities register quite high on the stress meter – as high in stress as when really bad things happen.

The difference is whether you hold on to your physical and emotional stress or you let your stress go once the event is over. If you had a bad event (getting fired, losing a big game, a bad relationship) it’s totally understandable that you experienced a lot of stress. But if you always carry around the hurt (stress) then it’s chronic stress and that ultimately wears you down.

If only the good feelings, the happy events, the exciting times stayed! But we’re not supposed to be high all the time, that too would be draining! We’re not meant to be on highs and lows all the time.

Many people are walking around with lots of painful memories – layers and layers of emotional and physical traumas they don’t need to hold on to anymore. One of the powerful miracles of chiropractic care is that it interrupts painful stress responses. Sometimes a chiropractic adjustment is referred to as a “pattern interrupt.” That is, the memory may continue to exist but it doesn’t eat you up inside. Technically speaking, you are no longer somaticizing your emotional stress. This frees up energy for healing and happiness.

When chiropractors address your body for subluxations, they are locating and ultimately releasing deep mind-body stress that can have powerful healing repercussions. The emotional benefits of chiropractic are so powerful that in the US alone many mental institutions were founded that used chiropractic care.

For that reason alone, everyone should have a periodic chiropractic checkup (and adjustment) in order to release stress that’s burdening them and affecting their physical and mental health.

Contact us today and be on your way to a less stressful day!


Happy Patient Jaimie reports that she has noticed that her feeling of stress in the body has dropped dramatically since starting chiropractic care and that she actually finds herself have GOOD days at work!!!!

Researching Chiropractic: Fainting

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.


A 57-year-old woman complaining of sudden blackouts (fainting) was diagnosed with “vasovagal syncope” (VVS), a sudden, brief, temporary loss of consciousness (LOC).

She also had constant neck pain primarily on the right and inability to turn her head fully to the right.

She had tried prescribed medication and her MD recommended surgically implanting a pacemaker to regulate her nerve function. She refused.

Chiropractic examination and X-ray analysis revealed vertebral subluxations of the upper neck or cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2).

Her VVS completely disappeared and never returned after her first visit. By her fourth visit her neck pain and limited range of motion greatly diminished.

Friedman R, Friedman A. Resolution of vasovagal syncope (VVS) following upper cervical chiropractic care: a case study & review of the literature. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. February 8, 2018:1-12.

Researching Chiropractic: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

A 21-year-old woman began chiropractic care complaining of low back pain and of radiating numbness into her legs and feet. X-ray and other analysis revealed a left-sided scoliosis (her spine was twisted to the left) plus an exaggerated mid-back (thoracic) and lower back (lumbar) curve.

She was analyzed for subluxations. Her chiropractic care addressed and corrected her subluxations and over a period of five months of care (a total of 62 visits) her left-leaning scoliosis reduced from 20° to 12.5°. Additionally, her mid-back curve reduced from 63° to 40° and her low-back curve reduced from 70° to 65°.

By seven months of care she experienced improvement of over 50% in well-being and a 50% reduction of her physical complaints.

Fox M, Tveitnes E-B. Reduction of idiopathic scoliosis and musculoskeletal complaints & improved state of well-being in a 21-year-old following chiropractic: a case study & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. January 25, 2018:12-22.