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In the early 1980s, a Harvard University biologist named Edward O. Wilson proposed a theory called biophilia: that humans are instinctively drawn toward their natural surroundings. Many 21st-century parents, however, would question this theory, as they watch their kids express a clear preference for sitting on a couch in front of a screen over playing outside.

The national panic about kids spending too much time indoors has become so extreme that the crisis has a name: Nature deficit disorder.


While calling it a disorder might be merely rhetorical, it’s clear kids spend significantly more time inside than outside. This shift is partly due to technology: Richard Louv, author of the book Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, tells the story of interviewing a child who told him that he liked playing indoors more than outdoors “’cause that’s where all the electrical outlets are.”

Increasing parental fears about diseases and the dangers of playing outside — despite evidence to the contrary — are another big factor.

And as suburbs and exurbs continue to expand, nature is parceled off more, and kids seem less inclined to spend time in a fenced-in yard, let alone jump the fence into a neighbor’s or walk in the woods. Instead, indoor activities can seem easier (no sunscreen necessary!), safer, and even more sociable for kids who are growing up with multiplayer video games and social media accounts.

Why go outside?

Recent studies have exposed the benefit — even necessity — of spending time outdoors, both for kids and adults. Some argue that it can be any outdoor environment. Some claim it has to be a “green” environment — one with trees and leaves. Others still have shown that just a picture of greenery can benefit mental health. These nuances aside, most of the studies agree that kids who play outside are smarter, happier, more attentive, and less anxious than kids who spend more time indoors. While it’s unclear how exactly cognitive functioning and mood improvements occur, there are a few things we do know about why nature is good for kids’ minds.

  • It builds confidence. The way that kids play in nature has a lot less structure than most types of indoor play. There are infinite ways to interact with outdoor environments, from the backyard to the park to the local hiking trail or lake, and letting your child choose how they treat nature means they have the power to control their own actions.
  • It promotes creativity and imagination. This unstructured style of play also allows kids to interact meaningfully with their surroundings. They can think more freely, design their own activities, and approach the world in inventive ways.
  • It teaches responsibility. Living things die if mistreated or not taken care of properly, and entrusting a child to take care of the living parts of their environment means they’ll learn what happens when they forget to water a plant or pull a flower out by its roots.
  • It provides different stimulation. Nature may seem less stimulating than a video game, but in reality, it activates more senses — you can see, hear, smell, and touch outdoor environments. “As the young spend less and less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow,” Louv warns, “and this reduces the richness of human experience.”
  • It gets kids moving. Most ways of interacting with nature involve more exercise than sitting on the couch. Your kid doesn’t have to be joining the local soccer team or riding a bike through the park — even a walk will get their blood pumping. Not only is exercise good for kids’ bodies, but it seems to make them more focused, which is especially beneficial for kids with ADHD.
  • It makes them think. Louv says that nature creates a unique sense of wonder for kids that no other environment can provide. The phenomena that occur naturally in backyards and parks every day make kids ask questions about the earth and the life that it supports.
  • It reduces stress and fatigue. According to the Attention Restoration Theory, urban environments require what’s called directed attention, which forces us to ignore distractions and exhausts our brains. In natural environments, we practice an effortless type of attention known as soft fascination that creates feelings of pleasure, not fatigue.

So while screen time is the easier, more popular choice, it’s important to set aside time for outdoor play.

Supporting Maternal Health Through Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy and the postpartum period bring profound changes to a mother’s body, often accompanied by physical discomfort, emotional challenges, and increased vulnerability to health issues. Chiropractic care can play a valuable role in addressing these concerns, helping mothers achieve a smoother journey into parenthood while promoting overall well-being.

maternal health

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant structural shifts, including pelvic changes, spinal adjustments, and weight distribution, that can cause back pain, hip discomfort, and sciatica. Chiropractors trained in prenatal techniques focus on maintaining proper alignment and relieving pressure on nerves and joints, which not only reduces pain but may also improve the baby’s positioning. The Webster Technique, a chiropractic approach tailored for pregnant women, is particularly effective in addressing pelvic imbalances. By enhancing physical comfort and preparing the body for labor, chiropractic care may contribute to shorter delivery times and reduced need for interventions.

After childbirth, new mothers often face the dual challenges of recovering from delivery and adapting to the physical demands of caring for an infant. Postpartum issues such as lower back pain, neck strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome are common, especially with the repetitive motions involved in nursing, lifting, and carrying a baby. Regular chiropractic visits help realign the spine and reduce tension, improving mobility and resilience during this demanding phase. Moreover, some evidence suggests chiropractic care may positively influence postpartum mood by alleviating physical stress and promoting relaxation.

Addressing Postpartum Depression and Maternal Mortality

Postpartum depression and maternal mortality remain critical concerns. While chiropractic care is not a substitute for medical intervention in emergencies or severe mental health conditions, it can complement other care strategies by addressing physical discomforts that contribute to stress and fatigue. For many mothers, the physical and emotional relief provided by chiropractic adjustments creates a foundation for better overall health, allowing them to more fully engage with their families and communities.


Call today to make an appointment with us! (517) 627-4547


Chiropractic Care for Allergies and Sinus Relief

Chiropractic care has shown potential benefits for managing allergies and sinus issues, offering a non-invasive approach that complements traditional treatments. While many people think of chiropractic adjustments primarily to relieve back or neck pain, the benefits extend to various bodily functions, including immune system regulation and sinus relief.

Allergies and Sinus Relief

The nervous system plays a crucial role in controlling and coordinating bodily functions. Misalignments in the spine, known as subluxations, can impair nerve function, leading to various health issues, including exacerbated allergy symptoms and sinus congestion. By correcting these misalignments, chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper nerve function and, in turn, support the body’s ability to manage allergens and maintain clear sinuses.

One study published in the *Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (3) found that chiropractic care could positively impact individuals suffering from allergies. The study involved patients who received chiropractic adjustments and reported reduced allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. The researchers suggested that the improvements were due to better nervous system function, which helped modulate the body’s immune response to allergens.

Chiropractic care can also improve sinus drainage, especially when misalignments in the cervical spine affect the nerves connected to the sinuses. A case study published in the (4) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics* documented significant improvement in a patient with chronic sinusitis after receiving chiropractic care. The patient experienced reduced sinus congestion and pressure, attributed to spinal adjustments that relieved nerve interference and improved sinus function.

Chiropractic care offers a promising option for those seeking alternatives to medication for allergy and sinus issues. Regular adjustments can help address the root cause of these problems by ensuring the nervous system functions optimally, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of allergic reactions and sinus problems.

Make an appointment with Lanjo Chiro today! (517) 627-4547


The Diseases of Civilization

The “diseases of civilization” are those diseases or conditions that were rare or didn’t even exist until modern times. Ironically, we have these diseases even though we live in lands of plenty, clean water, abundant food and drink, and refrigeration! We are also blessed with hot and cold running water indoor plumbing (no outhouses), and we no longer live with cows, pigs, and horses in our homes (thieves would run off with them otherwise).

We are so blessed!

In the olden days, there was much sickness from all the filth. Babies rarely made it past their first month of life. Plagues carried away multitudes! Those good old days were not so good.

New Diseases

While the old diseases and plagues are mostly gone, we now have new diseases: cancer, heart disease, autism, ADD, dyslexia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and many others. What caused this new epidemic of chronic illness?

Our Modern World

Our modern world is full of poisons our ancestors were never exposed to. There are at least 80,000 chemicals in our environment, including toxins from plastics, pesticides, and herbicides such as glyphosate (RoundupT), arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum, phthalates, cleaning products, soaps, and many others.

Dental fillings such as amalgam (mercury), fetal ultrasound (radiation to the developing brain), and many prescription drugs cause damage immediately or years later. 

We should have the healthiest population. Instead, in the US, over half of our children have a chronic illness, 

What to do? 

Start before birth – parents-to-be should detoxify with an organic healthy diet, pregnant women should avoid ultrasound and vaccines, and eat traditional high-fat foods, grass-fed meats, and dairy products. Every day you should have food that is good for your gut (fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, yogurt, and other probiotics). 

Avoid Frankenfoods (unnatural laboratory creations)

Don’t eat foods our grandparents (and great grandparents) never ate vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, canola, and soy that are produced at high temperatures and pressure and are unnatural to our body function (physiology). Other oils include partially hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils such as margarine, CriscoT, and similar products.   Avoid all GMO foods (genetically modified). Avoid conventionally grown foods and go organic. White sugar wasn’t known until a few hundred years ago – it didn’t exist. Highly processed products give us almost no nutrition and even take essential minerals out of our bodies as they are digested and assimilated. 

Go to to learn about traditional diets and foods.

What do I do now? Detoxify!

Traditional ways to get rid of poisons or detoxify are sunbathing, fasting, sauna, exercise, massage, herbs, gallbladder, and liver flushes. See below for an inexpensive universal detox – clay. 

Don’t forget chiropractic adjustments. From infancy to older people, our body detoxes better when it’s subluxation-free. Talk to us.

Call today for an appointment. 627-4547

What foods cause a heart attack?

Most cases of heart disease today involve a heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI) -a blood clot in a coronary (heart) artery causing a blockage and death to the heart muscle. 

Most people don’t realize that MI was almost nonexistent around 1910. That’s right – nobody was having heart attacks. However, by the year 1930, MI caused a total of 3,000 deaths. Then, by 1960 that number reached 500,000! At this time, MI was the US’s #1 cause of death. Stroke rates also increased; the cause of MI and stroke is similar: blockages in the large arteries supplying the heart and brain. 

Why did this happen?

Nutritional changes in the American diet.

Paul Dudley White, MD, “the father of modern cardiology,” helped found the American Heart Association and introduced the electrocardiograph machine to America. He made these remarks at a 1956 American Heart Association televised fund-raiser: 

Heart disease in the form of myocardial infarction was nonexistent in 1900 when egg consumption was three times what it was in 1956, and corn oil was unavailable…I began my practice as a cardiologist in 1921, and I never saw an MI patient until 1928. Back in the MI-free days of 1920, the fats were butter and lard. And I think we would all benefit from the kind of diet we had when no one had heard the word ‘corn oil.’ 

The changes in diet were two-fold: firstly, people began consuming fewer protective fats like eggs, lard, butter, and tallow (beef fat) and generally began avoiding animal fats. Secondly, the consumption of trans fats skyrocketed!  At the time, they were primarily found in margarine, corn, and vegetable oils that were barely used until the 1920s. Now, trans fats are found in most commercial junk foods. It is because of trans fats that a Twinkie can last for a decade- bacteria are unable to break its chemical bonds. 

Your body can’t digest trans fats, which become toxic to your liver and other internal organs, especially your heart. Avoid trans fats and eat natural, healthy fats to have a well-functioning heart and avoid heart disease and stroke.

Interestingly, the Framingham heart study found that those who ate the most saturated fat, calories, and cholesterol were the most physically active. They also weighed the least and had the lowest levels of serum cholesterol! 

Antibiotics and RoundupT

Your body’s digestive system works best when you have a strong, diverse gut microbiota of healthy bacteria and other beneficial microorganisms. An optimal digestive system is essential for a healthy immune system as it is crucial in helping your body absorb and use nutrients while also working to eliminate toxins. 

Two major threats to healthy gut microbiota are commonly used in this country. Both antibiotics and the product, RoundupT, the herbicide, can greatly damage the vital organisms in your gut. RoundupT, a product used throughout the US in home gardens and commercial farms, contains glyphosate, which acts like an antibiotic and damages the intestinal microbiota. 

To combat the negative effects of antibiotics and glyphosate on your gut, your body must repopulate the bacteria and other microorganisms damaged by treatment or exposure. To avoid the contamination of glyphosate from RoundupT, commit to eating organic, non-GMO foods and always thoroughly wash produce before consumption. Regularly incorporate foods high in probiotics to heal and strengthen your gut microbiota. These foods are often fermented; popular examples include sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, apple cider vinegar, kombucha, miso, pickles, and kimchi (always check labels to ensure you buy probiotic-rich brands).

By removing the contamination from RoundupT and working to build and support gut microbiota, parents have reported autism, asthma, and childhood illnesses improving. 

Traditional Eating: Why Do We Need Good Nutrition?

Apart from the obvious – to easily maintain our ideal weight, have lots of energy, and live free from disease and infirmity – we must also look at nutrition from an inter-generational or species perspective. Good nutrition ensures healthier children and (later) grandchildren!

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Only healthy well-nourished people can produce healthy children. When we are healthy, we look better and are better able to attract a mate so we can produce healthy, strong, fertile children free from physical and mental defects and disorders. The goal of good nutrition is the survival of the species and the passing of good, healthy genes and qualities.

Our current epidemic of infertility – nearly 20% of all couples are unable to conceive-and our current epidemic of children with chronic illness is no coincidence. The pesticides and toxins in our foods are causing generational damage. Only eat organic. And here is another great rule:

A Good General Nutrition Rule 

If the food wasn’t around when your grandparents were around, avoid it; make sure your food and preparations are as traditional and as old-fashioned as possible.


Benefits of Infectious Disease

Sickness is good for you?

How could fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, headache, overall yucky feeling (general malaise) be good for you? Remember, the body is intelligent and it does things for a reason. What we call uncomfortable symptoms are the mechanisms by which the body heals itself, restores itself to balance (also known as homeostasis).

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This has been known by traditional healers for thousands of years. Acute symptoms such as fever, colds, skin eruptions, diarrhea, and vomiting permit the body to expel poisons, purify and cleanse while permitting the immune system to strengthen and mature. These symptoms are uncomfortable and dramatic, but they are temporary and good for you. The “Father of Medicine” said it well:

Diseases are crises of purification, of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defenses of the body. We call them diseases, but in fact they are the cure of diseases. – Hippocrates

Research verifies this. For example, a history of measles and mumps in childhood are significantly protective against deadly heart attacks and strokes during adulthood. Researchers also found that adults who had contracted chickenpox were 33% less likely to develop coronary heart disease. Each additional contagious disease contracted during childhood, such as measles, mumps, or rubella, increased the protective effect against acute coronary events by 14%. (1)

Febrile infectious childhood diseases (FICDs) were associated with lower cancer risk in adulthood (2). In another study, a history of common colds or gastroenteric influenza prior to the interview was found to be associated with a decreased cancer risk. (3)

1.Kubota Y et al. Association of measles and mumps with cardiovascular disease: The Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) study. Atherosclerosis. August 2015;241:682-686.

2.Albonico HU, Braker HU, Husler J. Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. Med Hypotheses. 1998;51(4):315-320. 

3.Abel U, Becker N, Angerer R, Frentzel-Beyme R, Kaufmann M, Schlag P, Wysocki S, Wahrendorf J, Schulz G. Common infections in the history of cancer patients and controls. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 1991;117(4):339-344.

Why do some people get sick and others do not?

Chiropractic Questions and Answers

Q. Why do some people get sick and others do not?

That question was discussed by DD Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic. 

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Palmer wrote extensively on the perfection we are born with and the many ways that perfection can be perverted or prevented from functioning. When we function at less than 100%, when we are unbalanced with spine and nerve stress, when we have physical blockages that decrease life energy flowing through us (subluxations), we suffer from dis-ease, which is a common precursor to diseases of all kinds.

Dr. Palmer was very much ahead of his time when he described the three causes of dis-ease (body malfunction) as follows:

Thoughts-emotional stress. The emerging science of PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) studies the intimate and intense relationship amongst thoughts, brain, and immune system function. This confirms Palmer’s original insights into the relationship between the mind and body. See the article below on marriage and longevity for an example.

Trauma-structural distortions affect and weaken our ability to adapt to all environmental stresses. Physical traumas may be from birth, macro-trauma such as sports injuries, car accidents, and similar events, or micro-trauma such as always working in the same position, always swinging a golf club or tennis racket the same way (and on one side), or living on a planet with gravity-meaning everyone on this earth.

Toxins-poisons that we are exposed to that are internal or endogenous (produced from within) or external or exogenous poisons that we are exposed to from the environment. 

Internal toxins can be from a poor diet, an unbalanced intestinal flora, dental/oral infections from root canals, and unhealed wisdom tooth sockets. External toxins can be from the pesticides and herbicides that are in our foods (always eat organic foods), vaccinations (a toxic brew of chemicals), air pollution, smoking, anesthesia, drugs (prescription as well as otherwise), and even EMF-electromagnetic frequency radiation (i.e., cell phones and cell phone towers), among others.

Chiropractic care permits your body to function at its best. By releasing old physical/structural stress from your spinal column the chiropractic adjustment also releases stress from your spinal cord and brain. This improves your nervous system (which your mind uses). That improved function helps your ability to detoxify and rid your body of any internal and external poisons you have accumulated. 

Many chiropractors have noticed that in addition to the above, regular chiropractic care may increase a person’s sensitivity to their state of health and they naturally begin to eat better and avoid unhealthy toxins and procedures.  Every organ, gland, system, and part of your being is interconnected. Improving any physical, mental, or spiritual aspect of your well-being improves the health of every other part of your mind and body.

Make an appointment today and start to feel better.


Going Meatless…why? Aren’t we supposed to eat meat?

Because going meatless once a week may reduce your risk of chronic preventable conditions like:

  • cancer
  • cardiovascular
  • disease
  • diabetes
  • obesity

And going meatless once a week can also help reduce our carbon footprint and save precious resources like fossil fuels and fresh water.

Jamie Oliver quote

Recipe for Stacked Vegetable Enchiladas


Reduce Heart Disease and Stroke

Vegetables, fruit, and whole grains have been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease. One study found that each daily serving of fruits or vegetables was associated with a 4% decline in coronary heart disease, and a 5% lower risk of stroke. Another study found that a diet of 2.5 or more servings of whole grain per day was associated with a 21% lower risk of cardiovascular disease (heart disease, stroke, fatal cardiovascular disease)

Limit Cancer Risk

There is convincing evidence that red meat and processed meat consumption increases the risk of colorectal cancer. There is also limited but suggestive evidence that red meat increases the risk of esophagus, lung, pancreas, and endometrium cancer and that processed meat consumption increases the risk of esophagus, lung, stomach, and prostate cancer.

In contrast, a diet rich in fruit and vegetables decreases the risk of several types of cancers, including mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and stomach, evidence suggests.

Fight Diabetes

Research suggests that plant-based diets, particularly those low in processed meat, can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating a plant-based diet can decrease total calorie consumption which helps you obtain and maintain a healthy weight, a key component to preventing and treating diabetes.

curb obesityCurb Obesity

Several large studies in Europe and the United States have demonstrated that people on plant-based, vegetarian diets tend to have a significantly lower body weight and body mass index (BMI). This may be in part because plant-based diets are rich in fiber (which is not found in animal products). Fiber contributes to fullness, resulting in lower calorie intake and less overeating.

Recipe for 30-Minute Quinoa Enchilada Skillet

Live Longer

Evidence suggests that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and a limited amount of red meat can increase longevity, whereas red and processed meat consumption is associated with increases in deaths due to cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Improve The Nutritional Quality of Your Diet

Going meatless encourages consumption of plant-based sources of protein, like beans and peas. Consuming beans and peas results in a higher intake of fiber, protein, folate, zinc, iron, and magnesium. Also, diets high in beans and peas are associated with lower intakes of saturated fat and total fat.


Curb Healthcare Spending

Each year in the United States, chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes cause 7 in 10 deaths, and account for 75% of the $2 trillion spent on medical care. In 2008, the estimated health care costs related to obesity were $147 billion. By reducing our risk for these conditions, we can curtail healthcare spending nationwide.

Cut Weekly Budget

Many people save money by adding meatless meals to their weekly menus. Meatless meals are built around vegetables, beans and grains—instead of meat, which tends to be more expensive. This is partly because producing meat requires extra expenses like feed and transportation. Though it can be challenging to serve healthy meals on a budget, going meatless once a week can help conserve money for more fruits and vegetables.


Minimize Water Usage

The water needs of livestock are much greater than those of vegetables and grains.

– Approximately 1,850 gallons of water are needed to produce a single pound of beef.
– Approximately 39 gallons of water are needed to produce a pound of vegetables.

Americans consume nearly four times the amount of animal protein than the global average. When compared with current food intake in the US, a vegetarian diet could reduce water consumption by up to 58% per person.

Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Studies show that meat production produces significantly more greenhouse gases than vegetables, including carbon dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide – the three main contributing sources of greenhouse gas. Beef was found to produce a total of 30 kg of greenhouse gas (GHG) per kg of food, while carrots, potatoes and rice produce .42, .45 and 1.3 kg GHG per kg of food, respectively.

Reduce Fuel Dependence

About 25 kilocalories of fossil fuel energy is used to produce 1 kilocalorie of all meat based protein, as compared with 2.2 kilocalories of fossil fuel input per 1 kilocalorie of grain based protein produced. The meat industry uses so much energy to produce grain for livestock that if instead we used the grain to feed people following a vegetarian diet, it would be enough to feed about 840 million people.

We want to hear from you

What motivates you to cut back on your meat consumption? We want to know.