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Lastest News from Charmaine: June 2020

Greetings all!photo3-300x198

SIZZLE! SIZZLE! SIZZLE! From an icky half-assed Spring straight into full melty, squelchy Summer!  Gotta love Michigan in times of climate change!!

Hopefully, my veggie garden and yours survives this heat and hopefully doesn’t drown with all this rain.   At the present time, with all the COVID 19 hoof-fla-fla, veggie gardens along the lines of the old Victory gardens seem to be sprouting up…and I say hurrah to everybody planning on eating yummy fresh healthy food…a positive from a negative…gotta love it!

Needless to say with everything going on, I have not been able to train for 3 months at the gym, and the puny weights at home don’t give me the same workout (duh!). However, I will say that the distance yoga teaching has really led me to more depths and insights that have been magical. Working out alone has actually proved to be beneficial.

Just got word that travel to see our grandchild and his parents in July is off for now..hoping that at least I can make it there for 2 weeks to help out after the little one is born in October.

Meanwhile, stay safe, wash your hands (but not too much), drink lots of water, let your dog take you for regular walks, and make the best of what you got!

Contact us   517.627.4547 to make an appointment.

Latest News from Charmaine: January 2018

This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty Chiropractic News– never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. – Winston Churchill

Greetings all,

The message from Winston Churchill could not be more appropriate as we move into a new year beset with uncertainty.

It is imperative that we understand that health care should be an undisputed right (I am not talking about disease care which is what insurance companies are peddling).

We have the right to make decisions about what we do with our bodies…and then naturally we have to deal with the consequences of our choices.

This is a time when everybody is wanting to make changes …so don’t make a resolution (which fails almost 100% of the time).  Instead let’s set an intention to do things a little differently. Let’s commit to more fresh fruit and veggies, more water, more exercise and then work out how to make those happen

In our house, Sunday is usually meal prep day…by that I mean, having planned the menu for the week (taking everybody’s crazy schedules into account), I cook extra of anything I might need later on in the week/chop it up and store it.  If I can, I make a couple of dishes…Sunday’s dinner and one that I can throw in the oven later in the week.  Also, a big thing I am seeing on the internet is bagging everything for a crockpot meal in a container, freezing it and putting in before leaving for work….after all, if you are cutting one onion, why not two or three?

I have my workout schedule planned before the week starts and I feel it is so important to keep active, that short of a blizzard, nothing is allowed to get in the way…..How can you incorporate more exercise into your life??


Latest News from Charmaine: July 2016: Summer!

Greetings all,

We now can officially say it is summer. All the hoopla of family, friends, vacations, BBQs, sunshine, festivities, suntans and mosquitoes ( or maybe the lack of them so far this year) all mixed into one messy bundle.

In June, Dr. Ray and I celebrated 35 years (each) in Chiropractic practice, having graduated together in the Summer of 1980. Daughter Damaris graduated 6 years ago almost to the day and has firmly established herself in Norway in a great practice.

Next month I defend my Michigan Senior Olympics powerlifting records and then I am off to Norway for a week to help daughter Damaris with re-organizing their house post some fairly extensive renovation work and to prepare for December’s bundle of joy.

I leave you in the hands of Dr. Ray and Sophia while I am gone.

At the end of September we will be taking a break from the office as both Dr. Damaris and I will be attending a conference in Milan Italy the last weekend in September and we are adding our belated Summer break to that time…So make a note in your calendars now…

The office will be closed 9/23 through 10/2

We will have extra hours Thursday morning 9/22.

Make this a great Summer and feel free to share any of your recipes or holiday experiences with us.

See you in the office, on the mat, under the barbells or maybe at the Farmers Markets!

Dr.’s Ray and Charmaine and Sophia, too!

Latest News From Charmaine: April 2016

Greetings All

Trying not to hold my breath…but dang it looks like Spring has FINALLY arrived!

daffodilsSpring Has Arrived

If you look around you will notice the first harbingers of spring…crocus, daffodils, forsythia and a very light green to many of the trees as they slowly start budding.  Hopefully the most recent freezing weather does not affect the fruit crops of the state or the trees that blossom early, like magnolias, etc.

With all the gentle Spring days here, there are lots of wonderful days to get out and walk, or maybe even bike before we can really get into the garden to plant anything new…also time to finish that fall cleanup that didn’t happen!

Think thru a task before jumping in

While I am not a fan of timidity or overly cautious attitudes…please think thru a task before jumping in and possibly ruining your back/ day/weekend.  Happily, we are available to get you out of that pickle, although our first choice would be prevention- not “fixing”.

Quick Spring Trip

The last few days of April, 4/28 thru’ 30th we will be heading down to S.C.  for our college “Homecoming” or Lyceum as it’s called.   So, we will be open in the am on that Thursday 4/28 as a schedule change…signs will be up in the office as a reminder.

Sophia heading off soon

Meanwhile, Sophia is on countdown to graduation and will continue to work with us for a few more weeks before heading off to Northwestern.

Congratulations to Allen

Congratulations to Allen H who has received an Artistic Scholarship to NMU……we have talented people in our midst.

Share your story with us!

OH YES this comes to mind…we have several patients who are state or national or even world champions in a variety of activities/sports….or have received special recognition (like Hall of Fame recognition)….we would love you to share your story with us and the greater Chiropractic Community if you are willing… to me or Dr. Ray.

See you in the office, on the table, on the mat or under the barbells!!

Interesting Facts for March 2016

Sound smart, or at least interesting, at the next office party or meeting.

Where the Wild Things Are book cover


Where the Wild Things Are was originally titled Where the Wild Horses Are until Maurice Sendak realized he was really bad at drawing horses.



Jadav Payeng started planting trees on a barren Indian sandbar when he was 16 years old in 1979. Today he lives in the forest he planted which covers over 1,300 acres and is home to rhinos, tigers, deer, apes and elephants.

Words of Wisdom for March 2016

words of wisdomWords to make your day make a little more sense

A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished. – Zsa Zsa Gabor

Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fashions are induced epidemics. – George Bernard Shaw

The quieter you become the more you can hear. – Richard Alpert

Please share your favorite words of wisdom in the comments below. We are always looking for new ways to become wiser.

Latest News from Charmaine: March 2016

Greetings all,

Spring is playing coy with her deliciously warm, “springy” days and smells ( let’s pretend we didn’t see the mud, shall we?).

Avoid being a Weekend Warrior

Garden dreams will slowly begin to take shape and it is always important that you don’t dive head first (literally and figuratively, LOL) into you projects. Plan them out so the right tools are handy and remember- that while the temptation is there to kill the project …..ROME was not built in a day and weekend warriors pay a heavy price for wayyyyy too much enthusiasm!!

class on growing sproutsClass on Sprouts

As the first buds of spring make their presence known, fresh garden greenery is a ways off and so I am thinking of having a class April 11 (post school vacation break) on growing micro greens and sprouts for your health and for a jump start on the garden. Class will be at 7pm in the office and run for about 1.5hours and will cost $5.00. You will walk away with a tray of started greens, some seeds and the wherewithal to keep yourself and your family with a steady supply of fresh greens. Class size will be limited to 8 people and pre-booking and payment is essential. Please contact me personally or call our office at 517-627-4547.

Enjoy Spring

Meanwhile, enjoy the arrival of spring in all her wonderment.

Make sure you get checked and adjusted so that you can enjoy spring and see you in the office, on the mat or under the barbells!

 A little P.S.

charmaine at tournamentI placed first in my age group at the State Powerlifting Meet March 13th squat (80kg Bench 50kg- a personal best) and dead lift (100kg).

Latest News from Charmaine: February 2016

Greetings all,

Much as we want to deny it, time marches on and we may complain about it’s speed.

A simple remedy we use in yoga is to practice mindfulness….be aware of the moment and breathe.

Try not to live in the past or future…shorts visits are ok but dwelling there means you are missing out on what is happening right now. Wishing for things to be different is a waste of energy and even more important, given that we are not getting out of here alive, why would you want to do anything else but enjoy each moment?

Just recently we appointed a new administrator to help us with our Facebook page and website and I would ask you to look at the webpage (check out our new blog) and also to like both our Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic Center page and our Yoga and Tai Chi page: The Center for Yoga. New trends in technology are happening so fast that if you are not actively involved in the IT business, you need to get a specialist to help you out. Amy Zander is just that person…Thank you Amy.!!!!  And shortly I believe, we will have our own Pinterest page too!

Do note our daughter’s page is very similar to ours on Facebook – Lanjopoulos Familiekiropraktikk…..The big giggle is a local company drew our daughter’s logo off the Internet and posted it as our logo for an event here last year until we had to explain the difference!

As this newsletter hits the press we will be close to 30 days to SPRING! Do make a point to get out and enjoy this great winter we are having.

See you in the office, on the mat or under the barbells.

Latest News from Charmaine: January 2016

Greetings all this chilly January,

Well, Winter finally arrived which means one of two things…you get out and enjoy this weather, or you sit inside and hibernate.

In my last newsletter I talked about 12 changes we could make towards a healthier you and #1 Exercise.

Now know that this is the time of the year that gym memberships usually explode and then the bloom is off the rose by the end of the month.

walking down stairsHowever, really think about simple stuff you can do at home that can help too. Walking up and down the steps just to get the heart going drives my cat nuts but I feel good for it…..maybe throw in some push-ups on the steps too. Or throwing (not literally LOL) a kettle ball around is a good start too. I must admit I am a huge fan of my Barbell and yoga practices and see changes in my life for the good, proving that you can make a difference after 60!

A happy note here…Miss Sophia who helps us in the afternoons has been awarded a great scholarship to Northwestern which means come June we lose her…but yay Sophia!!!

DOCTORS WITH HEART will be Feb 11th…send anybody you know who could benefit from a little TLC at no cost …appointments are essential.

Stay warm, get active and let’s see you in the office, under the barbells or on the mat!

Spinal Column – January 2010

Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic
309 E Saginaw Hwy, Grand Ledge. 627- 4547

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein

Well, here we are more than 2 weeks into the New Year already. Amazing isn’t it?….Already we are making appointments for February and I am still wondering where January is heading. Of course, most people are ready to call it a day on the cold and snow, but I think that, at least once in a while, we should take a moment and just appreciate the beauty of nature and her incredible wisdom in being able to create such marvelous vistas.. sparkling and bright in the winter sun.

This will be a winter for our “snowbirds” in Florida to remember….what’s up when Miami is colder than we are…where is this thing they call global warming?

Just remember as you are shoveling that white stuff to be careful!!!

This year we are again involved with the local Doctors with Heart program. We offer all in need a chance to be checked, x-rayed, if need be, and adjusted for FREE on Feb 5th. Please tell your friends who are thinking about getting under care that a simple phone call will start the process for them and perhaps help them move towards a healthier New Year ( and maybe give them a chance to be a 10 in 2010?).

AND this January 29th we will have been in this “new space” for 3 Years!!!!! WOW!!..It was a challenge to move in that frosty weather of 3 years ago….but, you know, the move was the best thing we have done. We love our space!!!!!!

January 2010 is
Work towards being a 10 in 2010
Family fitness month
Celebrating our “new” office
Nat’l compliment day 1/24
Fun at work day 30th

A message for the New Year
We’ve all made mistakes – may we learn and grow from them.
We’ve all been scarred and hurt in our lives – may we learn and grow from them.
We all have enemies – may we all learn and grow from them. May we be so strong that we can forgive and move on.
May we have compassion on those we made fun of, or belittled, or even hurt – we most likely did it because they reminded us of something we disliked or hated in ourselves.

May we fight the good fight, but not lose ourselves in battle.
May we be able to lose ourselves in deep satisfying sleep and awaken refreshed to a new world – every day

Words of Wisdom
“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.” – Albert Einstein.

Stretch of the week for Jan 2010

Dog / ½ dog
Dog…on hands and knees with hands on floor under shoulders and knees under hips.
Tuck toes under and lift tail high up into air (think inverted V)…breath 3 breaths or more.
½ Dog…Hands on counter or pressing into wall. Walk tail and feet back until heels are under hips and press back out through tail

Bent knee lunge
On Hands and knees: Walk right foot between hands close to right hand. Bring upper body up, place hands on right knee (or keep them on the floor) and work left hip forward and down. Hold and breathe 3 to 5 breaths and switch. (blanket under knees is optional)

Modified shoulder stretch at the wall.
Sit well back in chair facing wall with knees apart and knees touching wall. Place hands on wall above shoulders. Keeping belly button pulled in, walk arms up wall. Hold and breathe 3-5 breaths

Legs up the wall/sideways stretch at the wall
Lie on side with knees to chest and butt against wall. Roll onto back and lift legs up wall. Hold and breathe 3-5 breaths. (If hamstrings are tight, move butt a little away from wall) Sideways stretch at the wall: with body against wall from back of head to heels, pull belly button into spine and slowly drop one arm down the side of the body without losing body contact. Hold and breathe 3-5 breaths and repeat to other side.

Muscle spasm, trigger points, fibromyalgia and chiropractic
Since over 60% of your body is nerve, muscle and bone, it should come as no surprise that chronic pain, strain, spasm, irritation, inflammation, trigger points and other neuromusculoskeletal (nerve-muscle-bone) conditions are so common. In fact, many of the millions of people who visit their doctors of chiropractic do so because of these problems.

Trigger Points
Trigger points are tender, sensitive areas that when pressed, stuck, heated or cooled can be exquisitely painful. You may first discover trigger points when you are surprised by someone pressing a seemingly pain-free area. Trigger point pain may also be referred to other areas of the body. Trigger points are common in chronic muscle spasm, myalgia, myositis, fibrositis, strain and sprain, and other muscle and joint problems.

The Cause
The cause of this mystery illness may, at least in part, be spinal trauma. It’s not unusual for adults who have had neck injuries to report back, neck, muscle and joint pain and fibromyalgia within one year of their injury.

The Chiropractic Approach
Those suffering from muscle spasm, trigger points, neuro-muscular pain and problems, fibromyalgia and similar symptoms are seeing chiropractors in record numbers. Why? Because they are getting results. For example, in one study 5 men and 18 women, aged 11 to 76 with chronic fatigue syndrome, trigger point pain and fibromyalgia, who had been suffering from 2 to 35 years, began chiropractic care. Every patient was able to resume normal activities including full time work and maintained their improvements one year later at follow up. The authors of the study write: “Improvement in symptoms of 92-100% was achieved in both these syndromes.”

What Do Doctors Of Chiropractic Do?
Chiropractors locate and correct subluxations, a condition that damages nerves, muscles, fascia, meninges and other tissues. Subluxations cause joints to “freeze” or lose normal movement, causing damage to the involved area.

Under chiropractic care your head is more balanced, your hips and shoulders are more level and stress is taken off the joints and muscles throughout your body. Because less of your energy goes into supporting an unbalanced spine and skeleton, you may immediately discover more energy, greater ease in movement and improved relaxation.

A healthy spine and structural system can make the difference between a life of pain, suffering and disability and one of ease, happiness and freedom.

Dee & Warren report: “Less pain, better outlook,more energy and no colds or flu since getting under care”

Excerpts from a Dog’s Daily Diary…
8:00 am – Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am – A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am – A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am – Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm – Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm – Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm – Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm – Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm – Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm – Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm – Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat’s Daily Diary…. Day 983 of my captivity… My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a ‘good little hunter’ I am. Bastards. There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of ‘allergies.’ I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow – but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released – and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now …

More giggles…giggles….giggles…oh stop!

The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words.

And the winners are:

1. Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.
3. Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Esplanade, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.
5. Willy-Nilly, adj. Impotent.
6. Negligent, adj. Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.
7. Lymph, v. To walk with a lisp.
8. Gargoyle, n. Olive-flavored mouthwash.
9. Flatulence, n. Emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.
10. Balderdash, n. A rapidly receding hairline.
11. Testicle, n. A humorous question on an exam.
12. Rectitude, n. The formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
13. Pokemon, n. A Rastafarian proctologist.
14. Oyster, n. A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.


Asked what difference Chiropractic had made in her life… Pam W says:” No pain! After 5 years, 3 surgeries and a trip to Mayo Clinic, I have pain-free wrists due to Chiropractic Care. I was told I’d have to live with this pain and prescribed pain meds. But in 3 months I’m a “new person” Thank you!”

Pam originally consulted with us about her wrist and neck pain. I picked this up off Yahoo recently and I feel it is important for us all to do some serious thinking about what we are doing to our food and by extension to ourselves..Dr. C

FRANKENSTEIN, Mo. – The mystery started the day farmer Russ Kremer got between a jealous boar and a sow in heat. The boar gored Kremer in the knee with a razor-sharp tusk. The burly pig farmer shrugged it off, figuring: “You pour the blood out of your boot and go on.” But Kremer’s red-hot leg ballooned to double its size. A strep infection spread, threatening his life and baffling doctors. Two months of multiple antibiotics did virtually nothing. The answer was flowing in the veins of the boar. The animal had been fed low doses of penicillin, spawning a strain of strep that was resistant to other antibiotics. That drug-resistant germ passed to Kremer. Like Kremer, more and more Americans — many of them living far from barns and pastures — are at risk from the widespread practice of feeding livestock antibiotics. These animals grow faster, but they can also develop drug-resistant infections that are passed on to people. The issue is now gaining attention because of interest from a new White House administration and a flurry of new research tying antibiotic use in animals to drug resistance in people. Researchers say the overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals has led to a plague of drug-resistant infections that killed more than 65,000 people in the U.S. last year — more than prostate and breast cancer combined. And in a nation that used about 35 million pounds of antibiotics last year, 70 percent of the drugs went to pigs, chickens and cows. Worldwide, it’s 50 percent. “This is a living breathing problem, it’s the big bad wolf and it’s knocking at our door,” said Dr. Vance Fowler, an infectious disease specialist at Duke University. “It’s here. It’s arrived.” The rise in the use of antibiotics is part of a growing problem of soaring drug resistance worldwide, The Associated Press found in a six-month look at the issue. As a result, killer diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and staph are resurging in new and more deadly forms. In response, the pressure against the use of antibiotics in agriculture is rising. The World Health Organization concluded this year that surging antibiotic resistance is one of the leading threats to human health, and the White House last month said the problem is “urgent.” “If we’re not careful with antibiotics and the programs to administer them, we’re going to be in a post antibiotic era,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, who was tapped to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this year. Also this year, the three federal agencies tasked with protecting public health — the Food and Drug Administration, CDC and U.S. Department of Agriculture — declared drug-resistant diseases stemming from antibiotic use in animals a “serious emerging concern.” And FDA deputy commissioner Dr. Joshua Sharfstein told Congress this summer that farmers need to stop feeding antibiotics to healthy farm animals. Farm groups and pharmaceutical companies argue that drugs keep animals healthy and meat costs low, and have defeated a series of proposed limits on their use.

Mexican Tortilla Soup Created by White Lotus Chef Beatrix Rohlsen