Latest News From Charmaine: April 2016
Greetings All
Trying not to hold my breath…but dang it looks like Spring has FINALLY arrived!
Spring Has Arrived
If you look around you will notice the first harbingers of spring…crocus, daffodils, forsythia and a very light green to many of the trees as they slowly start budding. Hopefully the most recent freezing weather does not affect the fruit crops of the state or the trees that blossom early, like magnolias, etc.
With all the gentle Spring days here, there are lots of wonderful days to get out and walk, or maybe even bike before we can really get into the garden to plant anything new…also time to finish that fall cleanup that didn’t happen!
Think thru a task before jumping in
While I am not a fan of timidity or overly cautious attitudes…please think thru a task before jumping in and possibly ruining your back/ day/weekend. Happily, we are available to get you out of that pickle, although our first choice would be prevention- not “fixing”.
Quick Spring Trip
The last few days of April, 4/28 thru’ 30th we will be heading down to S.C. for our college “Homecoming” or Lyceum as it’s called. So, we will be open in the am on that Thursday 4/28 as a schedule change…signs will be up in the office as a reminder.
Sophia heading off soon
Meanwhile, Sophia is on countdown to graduation and will continue to work with us for a few more weeks before heading off to Northwestern.
Congratulations to Allen
Congratulations to Allen H who has received an Artistic Scholarship to NMU……we have talented people in our midst.
Share your story with us!
OH YES this comes to mind…we have several patients who are state or national or even world champions in a variety of activities/sports….or have received special recognition (like Hall of Fame recognition)….we would love you to share your story with us and the greater Chiropractic Community if you are willing… to me or Dr. Ray.
See you in the office, on the table, on the mat or under the barbells!!
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