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The Latest From Charmaine August 2021

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

Trust you are enjoying summer and perhaps starting to see the fruits of your labors in the gardens.

As I write this Mid-July, I am, like many, cursing the damn mosquitoes that are trying their hardest to carry us away/bite us till we look like we got measles!.  I seem to be a target for the pesky things and have no love of this time of the year.  May they be gone ASAP!

We are currently in a holding pattern regarding traveling to see the kids in Norway.  As soon as we get the go-ahead, we plan to make a speedy exit before governments change their minds, and dash over for a 2-week family immersion!… if all goes to plan it looks like we will be gone sometime in early September…so watch this space!

Meanwhile, I quilt and yoga on with a dash or two of powerlifting thrown in and have recently had a breakthrough with my bench press, and have now got PB’s in both bench and overhead press!!  The squat is under reconstruction as I have been dealing with a shoulder problem and the deadlift and I are having serious chats as I slowly ramp up for the “winter” “Senior” Olympics scheduled for November.

So, I trust you are all keeping moving, and hydrating, and eating well from all the fresh garden bounty.  (I have included a couple of quickie recipes this month, oldies but goodies with a nice twist for a fast meal in all the heat).


Call us to make an appointment today! (517) 627-4547

Latest News from Charmaine – July 2021

photo3-300x198This is a combo of “latest news” from June and July since July is almost here.

Summer seems to have just leapfrogged over Spring…I am not such a fan of hellish hot days…I worry what the heck we might experience in August?

Our local Farmer’s Market is open and we will continue to enjoy a  bounty of yumminess. Check out our article on the importance of eating the rainbow and what better time to explore with all the wonderful veggies available right now.

Check out our recipes section on our blog for new recipes, including two salads that are a variation on the classics and will keep well in the fridge too. So, when it’s too hot to cook, a nice salad goes a long way. (And, as I read recently, salads, provided they are not dripping in oily dressings, are great brain food! Double bonus for the win!)

Summertime is a chance to perhaps sneak in some R&R and we love to throw the bikes in the back of my van, pack a picnic full of farmer’s market goodness, and head for a nearby trail… a triple win- fresh air, good food, and exercise.

We had great pleasure in celebrating the 41st anniversary since we graduated and by some strange coincidence, we arrived in Grand Ledge  32 years to the same day 6/14!  (Cosmic message?  Also, we joke that we were meant to be here…Ray’s family is from Sparta, Greece…we went to Chiropractic College in Spartanburg SC, and arrived here in the land of the Spartans!)

My powerlifting meet has been postponed till November..out of the extremes of heat in a sweaty gym like we had to endure last time!


Latest Update from Charmaine – May/June 2021

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

– Aristotle

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
– George Bernard Shaw

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

Well, we tasted a little bit of Summer one day in April…although I feel that was too soon!

Anyhow…we progress slowly through Spring, and while my tulip magnolia took a huge hit with the heavy frost we had in mid-April, I am ecstatic to see that my weeping redbud and apple tree don’t appear to have been affected and are blossoming nicely.

We seem to be edging close to a pre-pandemic “normal” and it is my sincere hope that some of the joys/lessons we may have discovered during varying stages of lockdown are not lost….the joy of cooking from scratch, the joy of family, the joy of a new craft being revealed or a new hobby discovered (or even revisiting old ones like knitting). Or the importance of connection.

Mother Nature has continued on her path thru’ the pandemic and she now offers us a fabulous opportunity to really enjoy her this spring as we plant gardens, plant new stuff, maybe even put a veggie garden in  (or some pots with veggies).

Make this an awesome Spring (you have the power of choice after all).



Latest Update from Charmaine – April 2021

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

Goodness me, but Spring is playing peekaboo with us with her deliciously warm, “springy” days and smells ( let’s pretend we didn’t see the mud, shall we?).

Garden dreams will slowly begin to take shape and it is always important that you don’t dive headfirst (literally and figuratively, LOL) into your projects.  Plan them out so the right tools are handy and remember- that while the temptation is there to kill the project …..ROME was not built in a day and weekend warriors pay a heavy price for wayyyyy too much enthusiasm!!

Took a mini break down south a week or so ago to see if Spring could be found, and as we crossed into Kentucky, Mather Nature threw off her winter wraps and blasted us with the most awesome display of greenery and redbuds and dogwoods in the woods and yellow daffodils were all over the place.  We also got to see an incredible wonder in the form of the Parthenon (the only full-scale replica in the world) and the beyond beautiful secret hidden inside.  Google it and see what comes up…but I will say You Gotta see it to believe it!!!!!

Our bikes had a great vacation…Nashville and back in the back of my van.  Giggles!

So enjoy the slow return of spring…knowing that even Covid can’t mess with Mother Nature!!!

Make sure you get checked and adjusted so that you can enjoy spring and see you in the office, on the mat, or under the barbells!

Call to make an appointment:  517.627.4547

The Latest from Charmaine – March 2021

Greetings all!

Spring is in the air, the Worm Full Moon is around the corner, and the muddy conditions will be trying our patience.

Yet, I am sure all of us are reveling in the thought of Spring blossoms, birdsong, garden work(?) and more sunshine in our lives.

Spring is a time of rebirth/fresh beginnings. Time to get out and be more …your body craves movement and if you were a couch potato because of winter/Covid….there are no more excuses. I have to say that last year we saw so many “dog (people) walkers” out as the lockdowns went into effect, but the enthusiasm seems to have lagged and fewer people have been walking their pooches!

Enjoy the various fun events that are slowly coming back to life.


Latest News From Charmaine: February 2021

Well, we are well into the heart of winter! Trust you are making time to enjoy it, even if it is only from behind a window.photo3-300x198
But seriously, getting out into the “chilly” weather is good for your immune system and also helps to fend off the very real weight gain that happens when you combine major sports events, the ritual eating that goes along with such events, chilly weather, and being somewhat sedentary.

I am back to playing with heavyweights after a long covid layoff and I must say the body does thrive with being challenged.

Please watch out for the ice that is to be found at this time of year because, as one practice member said, his wife was stargazing in broad daylight! I really love Yak Trax or similar gadgets that give you a little more traction right now…but it definitely does not mean you are fireproof (or fall-proof!!)


Drs. Ray & Charmaine

Click HERE to contact us or call 517.627.4547

The Latest from Charmaine: Early Winter 2020

Greetings all,photo3-300x198
Well, Emily Lanjopoulos Smedsrud made her appearance weighing in at 11.139 lbs on 10/18/20. She is a beautiful cherub and Alfred is already trying to teach her how to play PawPatrol on the I-phone! I had fun with them in early November. Now we wait to see when we can go back!

The end of the year is here and that means Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations in a different fashion from years past. We are very thankful for our family and friends and practice members. Each and every one of you has added rays of sunshine into our world and as we reflect on the 31 years we have been in Grand Ledge, we are grateful that the pin on the map ended up here and that Grand Ledge has been so welcoming and supportive.

This newsletter includes some recipes that we have used in the past for our Holiday weekend eating and reflects our philosophy of eating plants and whole foods and also eating really well!! If you try any of the recipes let us know.

Vegan Mushroom Gravy

Holiday Smashed Potatoes

London curried shepherds pie

Vegetable Pot Pie with Vegan Biscuits

As always we include an article about how people have benefitted from Chiropractic care and if you ever want to share your story, please feel free…..people need to know that Chiropractic care is not just about bad backs and headaches, it is about the function of the whole body. Nerves that are stressed can affect many different parts of the body and it is wise to make sure you are aligned to help you on the path out of whatever ails ya!


Latest News From Charmaine: October 2020

Greetings all,
Well…as usual at about this time of the year, practice members are saying they can’t believe it’s October already! And in this year of Covid, photo3-300x198it’s completely understandable. As days and weeks and months have blurred into each other with no “mile-markers” to distinguish them from any other day/week/or month- there is a new day terminology emerging…’s Blursday.

Being out of routine, it becomes difficult to remember just what day of the week it is. We might want to think back to Spring when we were convinced that Summer would never come and to Summer when we were all a little crispy around the edge, looking forward to Fall.

Fall, this year, has been the most totally glorious and vibrant I have seen for years (maybe a little drought helps?)  This is my favorite season for lots of reasons, like food, color, crisp air to mention a few.

As we weather this weather and the season, be careful as you put your gardens to rest and go easy on the decadent foods that start becoming available. Remember to eat lots of fruits and veggies to keep your acid/alkali balance and help prevent you from falling prey to the krud.


Call to make an appointment:  517.627.4547


The Latest from Charmaine: Early Fall 2020

Greetings all!photo3-300x198

Well, that was summer, wasn’t it? In the year of Covid did we actually have a summer?

Please know that, as the medical professions keep reminding you that the flu’ season is upon us, you really need to work on eating healthy to stay well.

That means less junk/processed food and way more fruits and veggies. That will keep your system more alkaline so that the cold and flu “bugs “don’t find a home in your body.

Norway has a great approach to the Fall and Winter weather…they actually actively seek opportunities to get out and breathe the fresh air!  Whoa, a novel concept!  This from a country that lets their little ones nap snug and warm, in a sheltered place, in the fresh air.  Norwegians are one of the happiest people on the planet and it’s because they embrace their environment, not bemoan it!

As Fall settles in (one of my absolute favorite seasons), and as we prepare to settle the garden in for winter…please plan carefully, hindsight is great but doesn’t take care of the aches and pains of foolish actions.

We await the arrival of Miss Lanjopoulos-Smedsrud in early October. I hope to be able to go and help out after she arrives, but if not, we plan on being over there for the christening over Christmas.


Drs. Ray & Charmaine

Click HERE to contact us or call 517.627.4547

The Latest From Charmaine: Late Summer 2020

Greetings all!photo3-300x198

Well, in the year of Covid, where nothing is “normal” anymore— It might be that time when our kids head back to school or maybe when they head to the kitchen table and go to virtual school.

There are so many negatives that are coming out of this current time that are affecting our emotional and mental health– that I am asking you all to make a special effort (and I know you are overloaded in SO many ways), but please, make an effort to touch base with friends and families and REALLY take time to talk and make sure they feel connected.   Depression and suicidal tendencies are mounting along with an increase in violence in the home as people take out their frustrations on those closest to them.

It is really important for the health of the family and the community that we each have a checklist of people to reach out to let them know they are not alone. Another Covid consequence that is bugging me is the way companies are  forcing the use of single use plastics on us all. I was doing so well with reducing the use of plastic in our house and then the rules changed.  From now on, I will take my own bags into Meijer and pack my own groceries – (don’t give me the evil eye if you are behind me in line. Single use plastic bags are one of the biggest issues in landfills.)  I will also take my mesh bags that I bought before Covid hit and place my greens in those instead of another type of single use plastic bag.

Check out  The Tiny Life website for some ideas to help reduce and reuse and recycle.

Have a GREAT LABOR day weekend and make sure your spines are checked to keep yourselves as healthy as possible and eat lots of VEGETABLE , GREENS and FRUIT!