Lastest News from Charmaine: June 2020

Greetings all!photo3-300x198

SIZZLE! SIZZLE! SIZZLE! From an icky half-assed Spring straight into full melty, squelchy Summer!  Gotta love Michigan in times of climate change!!

Hopefully, my veggie garden and yours survives this heat and hopefully doesn’t drown with all this rain.   At the present time, with all the COVID 19 hoof-fla-fla, veggie gardens along the lines of the old Victory gardens seem to be sprouting up…and I say hurrah to everybody planning on eating yummy fresh healthy food…a positive from a negative…gotta love it!

Needless to say with everything going on, I have not been able to train for 3 months at the gym, and the puny weights at home don’t give me the same workout (duh!). However, I will say that the distance yoga teaching has really led me to more depths and insights that have been magical. Working out alone has actually proved to be beneficial.

Just got word that travel to see our grandchild and his parents in July is off for now..hoping that at least I can make it there for 2 weeks to help out after the little one is born in October.

Meanwhile, stay safe, wash your hands (but not too much), drink lots of water, let your dog take you for regular walks, and make the best of what you got!

Contact us   517.627.4547 to make an appointment.

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