Tag Archives: sublaxations

Latest News From Charmaine: October 2017 Keep Your Signal Strong!

Latest newsGreetings all,

Found this on Pinterest ……what a great way to put into modern day terms what it is we do and why we do it!


Is like having

Poor cell phone

Reception between



                                                      No service                             Full bars

Can you hear me now?????

Have a great rest of October and keep the signal strong!

Latest News October 2017

Vacations and Back Pain: NOT FAIR!

Subluxations Don’t Take Vacationsvacations and back pain

A very interesting thing happens on vacations –we may do lots of things that we don’t usually do.   There’s nothing wrong with this at all.  Actually it is a very good thing   In my humble opinion, it is always a good idea to try and play outside of your regular comfort zone even if it is just for a week.

 Vacations and Back Pain: Give me a break!

One of the things we tend to do differently during vacations is that we change our healthy habits… especially eating and drinking.  Before you think that isn’t true for Dr. Ray and myself, I will tell you it is true for us as well. While we made every effort to stay fairly close to our normal eating patterns, and we were blessed with a fabulous Farmers Market in Boyne City where 80% of the offerings were organic, it did not stop us from eating stuff like ice-cream and chips, and maybe more bread than normal.

All things that are more of a chemical stress on the nerve system and could trigger more subluxations.   Given our involvement with our grandchild and all the activities we got involved in, our usual regime was all over the place.  We were blessed tho’, in that we traveled with 3 chiropractors in our group, so we did get checked virtually daily….and that was priceless but not the norm for most people.

Maintain Healthy Habits to Avoid Back Pain on Vacation

Creating health is about eliminating negative values like spinal subluxations, pesticides and toxins, lack of sleep, lethargic lifestyle choices, sugar and artificial sweeteners.  And at the same time making sure positive values such as reducing subluxations, consuming good clean water, getting good fuel into your body and moving your body daily,  are a major emphasis in your life.

The less stress there is on the body, mentally, physically and chemically, the easier it is to express a better quality of life.

Remember no matter how good or bad you feel, subluxations don’t take vacations.

Come to our office and get adjusted BEFORE and AFTER a vacation.

Chiropractic Care and Spinal Surgery: Is it safe?

Questions and Answers About Chiropracticspinal surgery

Question: Can I receive chiropractic care even if I’ve had spinal surgery, a spinal fusion or have implanted rods?

Answer: First let us say that anyone who is told they need spinal surgery such as a spinal fusion or “disc” operation should first see if they are a good candidate for chiropractic care. For over a hundred years Doctors of Chiropractic have saved people from unnecessary back and neck surgery.

In fact, the majority of spinal fusion operations (the most common form of spinal surgery) are unnecessary and even worse, end up as failures – the pain comes back, except this time the spine is weakened from the surgery, there may be internal scar tissue and there may be incomplete healing. (1)

But sadly, many people don’t know about the chiropractic alternative and submit to spinal surgery. In so many cases the pain returns after a few months or years. They may be advised to have a second operation, or a third.

Can they receive chiropractic care after spinal surgery? spinal surgery

Yes! Can they receive chiropractic care even if they have metal rods or screws in their spine? Yes!

Low back surgery has a terrible success rate. Before anyone rushes in to this procedure they should read this and then come see us!

P.S. Feel free to write to us with any more questions.

  1. Fritsch EW1,Heisel J,Rupp S. The failed back surgery syndrome: reasons, intraoperative findings, and long-term results: a report of 182 operative treatments. Spine.1996 Mar 1;21(5):626-633.

Chiro Q&A: Why stay subluxation-free?

Questions and Answers About ChiropracticChiro q and a

Why stay subluxation-free?

The chiropractic profession that was founded by Dr. DD Palmer in 1895 is based on the fact that internal structural distortions called subluxations can cause serious health problems.

Subluxations stress your nervous system and interfere with communication among your organs, glands, muscles and other body parts – including your brain and your immune system.

Subluxations can be caused by any trauma:

  • difficult birth
  • falls
  • accidents
  • emotional upset
  • chemical toxicity
  • overwork
  • a combination of the above factors

 How can chiropractic care improve health?

The answers depend on whom you ask.

For example, a woman now free of monthly pain may say, “Chiropractic is for menstrual problems.”

A pregnant woman may say, “Chiropractic is for a comfortable pregnancy.”

A mother whose child was helped may say, “Chiropractic is for ear infections (or fevers or asthma or colic).”

A teacher may say, “Chiropractic is for dyslexia, vision and learning disorders.”

Another person may say “Chiropractic is for headaches,” while still others may declare chiropractic is for back aches, hearing problems, disc problems, arthritis, high or low blood pressure or a host of other problems.

Chiropractic Care can Enhance Health

Others use chiropractic as a way to maximize sports performance, improve overall health, and enhance balance, strength and fitness.

In addition to all of the above, chiropractic can help everyone live a drug-free, healthy lifestyle.

Subluxations are epidemic in our society; most people have subluxations and don’t know it. For that reason, everyone needs periodic chiropractic checkups.

Schedule yours today! 517.627.4547

What Exactly Does a Chiropractor Do?

Are you thinking of going to a Chiropractor for the first time? drawing of spinal column and nerves

Maybe you’re wondering about going to a chiropractor or maybe you’re asking yourself, “What is the doctor doing when I’m in his office?”

We’re glad you asked.

Here’s a simple explanation and it’s the reason why chiropractic has become the most popular drug-free healing art in the world today.

What does a Chiropractor do?

Using his/her hands and various instruments, Doctors of Chiropractic locate and release a serious form of stress in your spine and body structure called a subluxation. Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to do this.

What is a subluxation?

A subluxation is a tiny distortion in your spine and structural system that irritates your nervous system and stresses your entire body. These distortions may be tiny but they can cause big problems. How?

Subluxations make you off balance. This causes your ligaments, tendons and muscles to work harder because an off-balance person is not in harmony with gravity. Sitting, standing and moving take more energy resulting in fatigue and ultimately a feeling of being exhausted all the time.

A person who is out of balance often has “hot spots” or painful areas in their muscles and joints due to overworking certain muscle groups and underworking other muscle groups.

Additionally, subluxations can affect your internal organs and glands – even your brain.

Make an appointment today and start feeling better!

What diseases do chiropractors treat?

The answer is: None of them and all of themPalmer

Chiropractic is not a treatment for named diseases but should be sought out no matter what conditions or diseases a person suffers from or is diagnosed with – back pain, depression, cold. flu, cancer, autism, allergies, asthma – everything from A to Z.

How can that be?

Chiropractic’s purpose is to release subluxations – blockages or interferences in your body that prevent you from functioning at your best.

Think of chiropractic subluxation correction as you would good nutrition. What diseases do you need good nutrition for? All of them!

The chiropractic message is simple: do not live with subluxations and do not let your children, your spouse and your friends and relatives live with subluxations.

One day going to the chiropractor for a subluxation checkup will be done by most everyone on a regular basis. We need to start more conversations with, “Hey, did you see your chiropractor this week?”

Have you?

Stress and Chiropractic Care

Q: When should I come in for care?a man looking stressed out

A: There is no “one size fits all” schedule but there are general guidelines you can follow.

Under Stress

Definitely come in when you are under a lot of stress. Why? Because stress – whether it is physical (from accidents or falls), chemical (toxicity in our foods and environment) or emotional (family stress) – causes subluxations in your body. You may not feel any pain, but they are there and sapping your energy.

Did you know there is macro-stress, for example, getting hit by a car or falling, and micro-stress, for example, using a mouse or sitting in a bad position. Both can cause damage – micro-stress takes longer of course – but in time both cause subluxations. It’s the same with emotional and toxic stress.

That’s why we will often tell you to come back even if you have no pain or other symptom so we can find subluxations before the pain and suffering and before real damage has occurred.

How did D.D. Palmer Discover Chiropractic?


Dr. Palmer makes a discovery

In 1895 Dr. Daniel David Palmer, a popular magnetic (energy) healer, discovered a spinal “bump” on a deaf individual. It appeared as if the spinal bone were out of place. Upon questioning, Dr. Palmer learned that the man had bumped his head seventeen years prior and became deaf shortly afterwards.

Palmer reasoned that the accident may have displaced a vertebra in the man’s spine, hence the slight bump, and that re-aligning the vertebra may give relief.

A slight adjustment

Using his hands, he “adjusted” the bone back into alignment and after 17 years the man could hear again. Shortly thereafter a patient with a heart condition was similarly found to have spinal displacements. When they were adjusted the heart condition improved.

Palmer reasoned that if two conditions so different, deafness and heart disease, could be caused by displaced vertebrae in the spine, could not other conditions be related to spinal displacements (later called subluxations)?

So began the discovery and evolution of chiropractic.

Getting Into Maintenance Mode

Chiropractic patients are divided into two general categories: Healing and Maintenance

maintenance#1 Healing the Body

The first category includes a large number of patients who utilize chiropractic to enable their bodies to work better so that they might heal themselves of some condition or symptom. They understand that the chiropractor is not treating the condition or attempting to alleviate the symptom but that if he or she can correct the vertebral subluxation, the body will have greater capacity to heal itself.

They come in to have their subluxations corrected and find that their bodies work at a higher level, quite often high enough to get well of the physical problems they had when they arrived. Thousands of people have had their health restored because when nerve interference is removed at the vertebral level, the principle that heals and runs the billions upon billions of cells in the body is free to work a little better. Sadly though, many of these people do not fully utilize chiropractic care because they often stop once they feel better.

#2 Maintenance Mode

The second group of people realize that the same principle that enables the body to get well can also keep it well. They do not use chiropractic care as merely a way of regaining their health but as part of an overall, health maintenance and enhancement program.

They come regularly whether they feel good or not. They know that being adjusted will enable them to express more life in numerous ways, some we cannot even imagine. We do know that you can have more energy, better coordination, more flexibility, a greater ability to handle stress, and a greater benefit from the food, exercise and sleep that you get.

 All of this from regular adjustments?

Absolutely! Which of the above is not affected by your nerve system? Logically, a better nerve system, one free of interference, has to help accomplish all the above. How much benefit depends upon you, but everyone will have a better functioning body with a good nerve supply.

Not only do, these people come regularly but they also bring their families in and refer friends and relatives for chiropractic care. They know that it is far better to get someone under care while they are still healthy than to wait until they manifest the symptoms of a lack of health. They want everyone to experience some of the benefits listed above.

Getting everyone into maintenance mode

Our desire is to see primarily the second category of patients. We obviously would not turn away a patient with a medical condition who wanted his or her subluxations corrected for a greater potential for healing. Everyone needs chiropractic care, people with medical conditions of any kind need regular adjustments as much as people with no medical problems, even if they need medical care at the same time.

Who Should Go to a Chiropractor?

Is Chiropractic Care for You?everyone-needs-chiropractic-care

A very simple yet profound question.

The answer is dependent upon one’s concept of the goal of chiropractic.  If the goal of chiropractic is to get sick people well, then presumably sick people should go to a chiropractor.  If the goal is prevention of sickness, presumably all patients should be on a maintenance program.

Everyone can benefit from Chiropractic Care at some point in their lifetime. 

We would like to share the very unique goal of chiropractic as practiced in this office.

We would like to see ALL people, sick or well, young and old, getting their spines checked for vertebral subluxations on a regular basis to allow their bodies to better express all of their life potentials.  This would in turn allow each person to get more out of life.  In order to understand this concept, one must understand how vertebral subluxation affects the quality of one’s life.

Physiologically, it is known that virtually every expression of life is controlled, at least in part by body chemistry.   It is changes in body chemistry that determine our energy level, our ability to resist and recover from disease, our ability to extract nutrients from food, our moods, attitudes, sense of humor, our manual dexterity, and virtually every other expression of life.

Therefore, if anything happens to alter body chemistry it can affect every aspect of one’s life.  This is why the law does not allow people to drive after consuming too much alcohol.  The alcohol can produce blurred vision, slowed reaction time, poor coordination, and make a generally good driver a menace to society.

Of course the individual reaction to alcohol varies from person to person. Some people become sad, some become happy, some become violent, some silly, and some just fall asleep.  All however, seem to suffer from poor judgment and lack of coordination.

Medication is Not Always the Only Solution

Another example would be people who use medication to “treat” a variety of problems.  Just look in the Physician Desk Reference (PDR) to see that for every drug listed; side effects which can change you mentally, physically and emotionally.  It is easy to understand…

“Vertebral subluxations are, by definition, an interference with the innate control of the body.  You cannot have body chemistry in balance when vertebral subluxations are present”

…how altering body chemistry from the outside-in can affect everything we are and everything we can accomplish.  In short, it can negatively alter our potential in many different areas.

Imagine if more people knew about this!

What we really desire is to see hundreds of people who are concerned enough about their health to come in regularly with their families to receive adjustments to stay healthy and be the best they can be in life.  Imagine if more people knew about this and were getting checked and adjusted. Wouldn’t that be the community you’d want to live in?  We hope that it is your desire to be one of these type of people. If there is ever something about chiropractic health care that you do not understand, please ask us. It is our desire and pleasure to make you aware of all the benefits of being subluxation free.

While our potential, or performance levels, may be affected by drugs from the outside, they can also be affected by chemical changes that originate within.  Our body is an incredible natural chemical factory.  With a chemical reaction needed for virtually every aspect of life, there are countless numbers of chemical reactions occurring constantly.  It is the wisdom of the body, innate intelligence, which uses the brain, spinal cord and nerve system as its medium of expression, to control and coordinate the chemical producing organs and glands of the body. Any alteration in the production of chemicals like thyroxin, insulin, adrenaline, cortisone, testosterone, estrogen, and dozens of others (known and unknown) in the body, will produce just as drastic a change as would chemicals administered from the outside-in.

Related: Your Are the World’s Greatest Drug Store!

What are Vertebral subluxations?

Vertebral subluxations are, by definition, an interference with the innate control of the body. You cannot have body chemistry in balance when vertebral subluxations are present.  When you have an imbalance of body chemistry you are unable to fully express your potential in any number of areas.

It is not our goal to be a “sore back/neck doc”” dealing with neck aches and backaches and referring people out.  Every man, woman, and child in our community deserves to know the truth.   Chiropractic is not just for backaches, nor is it for cancer.  It is not for any particular malady.

Chiropractic is for people! All people!

Chiropractic is for people! All people!  There is not a person you will ever meet, who should not have his or her spine checked regularly.  It is the goal of this office to share chiropractic with as many people as possible, to allow their bodies to function and perform at a higher level of efficiency.  Thus enabling them to more fully express all of their potentials and abilities, and therefore, get more out of their lives.