How Will I Feel After Getting a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Why is chiropractic the most popular non-surgical, non-drug healing art in the USA and the world? Because it works!  People feel better and get better under chiropractic care. The adjustment that is meant to correct subluxations (blockages/distortions/stress) can benefit your entire body, all your organs, even your brain and nervous system as well as body structure.

How do people feel after chiropractic care? It depends. Some feel an immediate difference, some feel different over time. Here are some common responses: 

  • I feel taller
  • I feel lighter
  • I feel more stable, more balanced
  • Wow, walking is easier
  • The pain is gone!
  • I can take a deeper breath
  • Why do I feel like crying?
  • I can walk straighter
  • I can sleep better
  • I feel more connected
  • I feel like a weight just lifted from my body
  • Can I bring in my wife/husband/children?
  • and the list goes on and on.

Sometimes healing doesn’t always feel great – sometimes as you heal you release old injuries or detoxify to release poisons. You need that for complete healing (referred to as retracing). If you experience retracing, you may feel yucky (for a relatively short time). Be patient and as a general rule, do not take drugs to relieve symptoms because that may prevent complete healing.  

Uncomfortable symptoms may include the pain of old injuries finally healing completely, fever, diarrhea, skin eruptions, rashes, and even vomiting. If retracing does occur (usually on the initial visit) don’t worry, it is good for you, and don’t worry, it is usually temporary.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

(517) 627-4547

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