What Happens When You Receive a Chiropractic Adjustment?
The chiropractic adjustment or correction is a procedure performed by your chiropractor using his/her hands or a special instrument. The purpose of this procedure is to correct a condition or abnormality that is called a subluxation.
A subluxation is an unhealthy state of your body reflected in your spine, structural system, muscles, and nerves. Some people refer to the subluxation as a blockage, others as interference, others as stagnation of energy.
Subluxations may be caused by physical, emotional, and toxic stress. They are very common and are found in every age group. They may be found in newborns due to birth trauma, in children (from falls and accidents), and in fact, in anyone who lives on a planet with gravity (that means all of us).
Because of the many things that can cause a subluxation, the moment your subluxations are corrected (adjusted or released), hundreds, if not thousands, of body functions and activities may be affected.
At the moment of the adjustment, trapped physical, emotional, and toxic stress is released. Imbalanced energies and nerve impulses in your brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, and spinal nerves begin to flow in a more balanced manner. Millions and even billions of nerves and body parts begin to re-establish new patterns of function. In addition, your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and discs begin rebalancing; your internal organs are now functioning closer to ideal.
Because of an adjustment, your entire body has more energy to rebalance, renew and rebuild. Now you know why chiropractic care has become the most popular drug-free, non-surgical health care profession in the world because of the power of the chiropractic adjustment that corrects subluxations.
Call us to make an appointment today!
(517) 627-4547
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