Your Inner Healer – Let It Out

I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop…was not. Why? What difference was there in the two persons that caused one to have [disease] while his partner…escaped? Why? (1) D.D. Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic

Are you healthy if you feel good? If you said, “Yes,” ask yourself if you ever felt good one day and then came down with a cold, the flu or some other condition the next.

Are you in tune with your inner healer? inner healer

There is a part of your body that is especially intimate with your inner wisdom: your nervous system, composed of your brain, spinal cord and the billions of nerves that emerge from them. Your nervous system touches every nook and cranny of your body, and your innate intelligence uses this vast communications system to organize your billions of parts into a healthy, adapting, living being. (2) True health or adaptation can only emerge when your innate intelligence can communicate to your body parts without interference or “static.”

A complete loss of communication happens in death; a partial loss results in a general deterioration of health – or “dis-ease” – you are less alive and less able to cope with life’s stresses. Eventually a dis-eased state turns into disease conditions. (3)

Subluxations are a common, often painless condition that stresses your spine and nervous system and causes “static,” dis-ease or body malfunction. Doctors of Chiropractic spend years of training learning how to locate and correct your subluxations, freeing your body from dis-ease and helping you better reconnect to your inner healer.

Make sure you are free of subluxations – visit your chiropractor today!

  1.   Palmer DD. The science, art and philosophy of chiropractic. Portland, OR: Portland Printing House. 1910.
  2. Ornstein R, Sobel D. The brain as a health maintenance organization In R. Ornstein & S. Swencionis (Eds.), The Healing Brain, A Scientific Reader. New York: Guilford Press. 1990;11.
  3. Selye H. The Stress of Life (Rev. ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. 1976.

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