Tag Archives: Body Mind and Spirit

How well do you know your body? What part of your body does this?

Do you know which part of your body does the following?

They are your natural shock absorbers.

They take the pounding of walking, running and even standing.

They are flexible and elastic and give you strength.

They are like a golf ball or a jelly donuts – lots of wrappings that surround a gel-like center.

They thicken during the nighttime and thin out as you walk and sit. That’s why you’re a little taller in the morning than you are at night. 

If they are stressed they might become brittle and tear.

What are they?body

If you said, “intervertebral discs,” go to the head of the class.

Discs are like pads that fit between your vertebrae. They help give your spine its curves. Except for the top vertebrae under your skull (your atlas), every spinal bone has a disc underneath it connecting it to and separating it from its vertebra neighbor.

The tough wrappings on the outside are called the annulus fibrosis and the inner gel-like center is called the nucleus pulposus.

If your intervertebral discs are damaged your entire spine can be thrown off-center, your nerves can become inflamed and you won’t have flexibility, strength and comfort. You may experience back pain, leg pain, sciatica and weakness.

Bone spurs and degenerative arthritis of the lumbar spine can develop and this is called degenerative disc disease (DDD). It doesn’t have to be part of growing older. To prevent DDD you need to keep yourself hydrated, stay physically active, and see your chiropractor to keep your discs free from stress!

Take care of your body

Don’t assume you need disc surgery merely because an MRI shows your discs are not well. Many people who have “normal” backs have MRIs that show disc herniations, degenerative changes and narrowed spinal canals. Just because you have symptoms doesn’t mean your disc is causing the problem.

Don’t just jump into surgery – always get other opinions – especially from a chiropractor or two.

In conclusion – get regular chiropractic adjustments to help keep your discs healthy.


Latest News from Charmaine: December Newsletter: Body, Mind & Spirit

Body, Mind & Spirit Greetings all,

As we plow our ways thru’ the snow, literally and figuratively, give thanks for the winter in all its wondrous beauty.  We all know we need the four seasons of the year as part of the natural cycle, and wishing it away only creates unnecessary tension in body, mind and spirit.

Health is a vital part of our ability to adapt and live within these natural cycles and it behooves each and every one of us to make sure that we are sparking on all possible cylinders to be the best we can be.

As I mentioned, body, mind and spirit “is us” and if just one of those aspects is out of kilter, it will, like a low pressure tire, cause you to be out of balance.

So start your day with a SMILE…the physical act causes a chemical change in the body and a positive chemical change creates less stress on the body as tensions are released….so one simple act can make a huge difference.  I am reminded of a bumper sticker I once saw, that said:


See you in the office, on the table, under the barbells or on the mat!!!