Chiropractic can help you run faster, jump higher, and be stronger

Top athletes from all over the world rely on chiropractic to keep their body structure balanced, their nerve system healthy and their muscles and joints functioning at their peak.

Name the sport: golf, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, track, swimming, hockey, martial arts, wrestling, and all the others – chiropractic is used by top players in all these fields to give them the winning edge. Why? Chiropractic promotes better balance, improved coordination, increased strength, and vitality. Athletes are fine-tuned and very sensitive to their bodies. That’s why they make some of the most grateful chiropractic patients.

Because of the above benefits, Chiropractic can help prevent sports injuries and can also help an injured player return to the game or competition faster. (1,2,3)

Of course, you don’t need to be an Olympian or a professional athlete to go to a chiropractor; anyone who uses his/her body needs it to function at its peak.  That means everyone. Even computer users, even kids on their smartphones (they especially need chiropractic structural care). 

Are you an athlete? Got any student-athletes in your home? Make an appointment with us today!

517 627-4547


  1. Haldeman, S Spinal manipulative therapy in sports medicine Clinics in Sports Medicine 1986;5:277
  2. Lauro BM Chiropractic effects on athletic ability Chiropractic: The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigations 1991;6(4):84-87
  3. Interview with Nick Athens, DC Chiropractic Achievers November/December 1989;38

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