If I’m feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care?

Questions and Answers About Chiropracticdo I need chiropractic care

Question: If I’m feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care?

Answer: More than ever. Why? 

By the time a person has symptoms they may have been in a weakened, dis-ease state for a long time. Don’t wait until you have serious symptoms; chiropractic can locate hidden blockages or interferences to proper function (subluxations) now before they become more obvious and painful or disturbing later. 

It’s sometimes helpful to think of chiropractic as you would dental care. For example, you may have dental cavities, an infected root canal or other dental infections and yet you may feel no pain. All the while, there is a problem silently festering, sometimes for years, that may be affecting your entire body and can ultimately ruin your health. You get your teeth checked periodically – what about your spine and structural system? That’s where chiropractic comes in. 

You can also think of chiropractic care as similar to good nutrition – always important to maintain good health and absolutely necessary if a person has a health problem. 

Want to make sure you are healthy? Visit your chiropractor for a checkup on a regular basis. 

So even though you might be feeling fine you may be carrying in your body serious stress causing dis-ease preventing you from functioning at your potential. 

So, do you really need to come in for chiropractic care if you aren’t in pain or suffering from a disease? Absolutely. Don’t wait until there is long-standing stress and possible damage. Make an appointment today.

Tell your friends too!

Contact us   517.627.4547 for and appointment. 


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