Colorectal cancer and deaths in young people (in the prime of life!) as well as older people are increasing. Why?
A prime suspect is glyphosate (Roundup®). It is a toxic herbicide sprayed on crops. Roundup damages a child’s (and adult’s) intestinal flora (population of microorganisms). The result can create a “leaky” gut where partially digested foods “leak” out of the intestines into the blood and enter the brain and internal organs. These leaks make a body toxic-a perfect breeding ground for cancer.
Amazingly, this toxic, poisonous herbicide is still sold in garden supply stores. It is still legal! Government agencies are not doing their jobs. This toxic product should be removed from the market.
To ensure your child’s health (and your own) from Colorectal Cancer:
Only purchase organically labeled foods meaning they are non-GMO, grown without herbicides, pesticides and fungicides and not sprayed with Roundup after harvesting. Commercial breads and bread products are increasingly adulterated.
Roundup has been linked to more than leaky gut and intestinal diseases. Roundup has also been linked to autism, birth defects, Alzheimer’s, ADD, heart disease, depression, lymphoma, Parkinson’s and more.