Tag Archives: health

Chiropractic Care is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

Number 1

Your body possesses a healing ability that can dwarf the feats of the world’s greatest doctors. Your body is the world’s greatest doctor. Numerous studies and clinical reports show that your body can heal any disease or condition. The same power that can heal a cut is capable of treating cancer. No better healer exists than your wisdom-filled being. The body, however, needs to be permitted to express its healing potential to its maximum.

Number 2

Subluxations interfere with your ability to reach your healing potential. These tiny misalignments in your spine interfere with the nerves that make up your body’s communication pathways, limiting the body’s ability to perform its job optimally.

Number 3

Chiropractors are specially trained to locate and correct or adjust subluxations. This frees your body’s healing potential. Our goal is to permit your body to function better – not to ‘treat’ a symptom of malfunction. DC means Doctor of Chiropractic, but many people say it stands for “Doctor of Cause.” When your chiropractor switches on your internal doctor, you have more energy for healing, and you come closer to reaching your inner potential. This is why it is crucial for everyone, young and old, to be checked for subluxations by a Doctor of Chiropractic.  For some, it may be the difference between a life of high energy, vitality, and good health and a life of fatigue, low energy, and disease. It can make all the difference in the world!

Schedule an appointment with us today!

(517) 627-4547

Nourishing Traditions – The Good and the Bad

All traditional cultures consume lacto-fermented foods. 

These foods supply enzymes that help digestion and beneficial bacteria that support good intestinal health and immune function. With that knowledge in mind, here’s another study showing the benefits of eating fermented food.

The Good – fermented dairy products may help prevent heart disease

Researchers in Finland found that fermented dairy products such as:yogurt

  • cheese
  • yogurt
  • quark
  • kefir
  • sour milk 

may lower the risk of incident coronary heart disease in men. Conversely, the researchers warn that a very high consumption rate of non-fermented dairy products, like milk, could have the opposite effect and increase a man’s risk for heart disease. (1)

The Bad – fried foods 

Consumption of fried chicken, fried fish or fried shellfish at least once a week (as compared with no consumption) is associated with a significant 12%-13% increase in cardiovascular mortality.

The type of oil used may be a factor. Cooking with olive oil, animal fats and coconut oil is preferred over corn, vegetable, soybean, safflower and canola oils. (2)

fried foods







  1. https://www.studyfinds.org/study-fermented-dairy-products-may-help-prevent-heart-disease/
  2. Sun Y et al. Association if fried food consumption with all cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal. 2019;364-k5420.


winter exerciseOk, so we all know that we need to exercise to keep our body healthy on all levels, physical, chemical and emotional.  Yet somehow we don’t.  And what I have found over the years is that we generally don’t place enough importance on our own personal health.  We do not prioritize our own health.

If you are ill, sore, out of sorts/whack… you are probably not a ray of sunshine and probably not too much fun to be around.

We actually take better care of our cars than we do our bodies and the time has come to make some changes.

Ideally, we need to do some sort of exercise for 30 minutes each day…and before you say.. where will I find the time?… I challenge you to look at how much time you actually waste in any given day watching mindless TV, for example.  Set your DVR to record the programs you “cannot live without” and do one of several things.

Firstly, walk on your treadmill or ride your stationary bike that has been  gathering dust while you watch those same shows ( you can speed thru’ the dumb ads too!.. BONUS!)

Secondly, you can do simple workouts at home with little, if any, fancy equipment.  If you don’t have a treadmill/bike/elliptical…check out this website for some really simple exercises.

I must admit I have been known to:

  • walk up and down the stairs at home carrying weights
  • do push-ups on the landing
  • kettle bells squats in the lounge
  • step ups /stepping on the steps from the family room to the kitchen
  • crunches on the ball in the family area 
  • more mountain climbers on the ball/steps than I care to think of

All of this to the befuddlement of  Sally cat..who wants to play along

Thirdly, join a gym to work out at…it does mean you can have “you” time which is wonderful and should not be considered a chore.  (Yeah, I know there will be groans, but these days you can have access to all the equipment you need for as little as $10.00 a month (2 less lattes’ & 1000 calories saved!)

Remember too, that walking is a wonderful exercise and make every effort to enjoy the winter weather at the same time!

Ray does Tai Chi daily and I do yoga and teach yoga 4 times a week and power lift 3x week  AND in this day and age there are countless wonderful videos on line or for sale that will give you a good workout on those days when staying home is preferable…but vegging is not!

What I am saying is that if you care at all about yourself,…you can and must make the effort and if you need the moral support, share your decision with a friend/ us to help keep you honest

There a plenty of ways to include mini workouts into your day…take time to share your faves with us.

The Magic of Retracing

Do you know what Retracing is?retracing

Retracing is a fascinating healing phenomenon that is found in all natural healing arts. It is seen as a person develops increased balance, harmony and strength. It is especially seen in chiropractic. What exactly is it?

Retracing is when old physical injuries, emotional pain, stress and toxins leave the body as it heals. It is a wonderful thing, even though it may feel uncomfortable, because in its wake it leaves a healthier, stronger, cleaner and happier person. The phrase “better out than in” is a good description of retracing.

Sometimes retracing is dramatic

People laugh or cry, feel old aches and pains, relive an accident or trauma or detoxify with diarrhea, vomiting, fever and flu-like symptoms. That is rare, but when it occurs it is often seen in a person with a lot of vitality who has the strength to handle it.

Sometimes retracing is subtle

A person who may feel “no different” after an adjustment and then have powerful dreams that evening is releasing deep emotional stress. Or conversely, they may report better sleep than they had in years. Retracing is a very individual affair.

Don’t let it scare you

Sometimes patients have contemplated leaving care because of it. Don’t! It’s good for you and it means you are on the right path to healing. If you experience any uncomfortable symptoms after care please bring it to our attention. Retracing is almost always temporary and you’ll feel much better after it passes.

Have you ever experienced the healing of retracing? Tell us about it!

What’s in a flu shot?

Do you know what is in a flu shot? flu shot

The new flu vaccine is made with armyworms and insects? UGH!
The Flublok® flu vaccine is made with insects and armyworms. How’d you like that injected into your kids, spouse or yourself?
Here is what the package insert for the Flublok’s quadrivalent vaccine states:
Flublok Quadrivalent may also contain residual amounts of baculovirus and Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins (= 19 mcg), baculovirus and cellular DNA (= 10 ng), and Triton X-100 (= 100 mcg).
To clarify: baculovirus are viruses that infect insects. Spodoptera frugiperda are armyworms.
Will people start having worm-like qualities a la Spiderman getting bit by a spider and developing superpowers? That’s a great comic book story but not real life. Besides what would a person with worm-like powers look like or be able to do?

Non-vaccinated Children Are Healthier

New research reveals that non-vaccinated children are healthier than non-vaccinated childrenvaccinated children.

Put another way, vaccinated children are sicker than non-vaccinated children.

This peer-reviewed study was released online very recently. The study had been reviewed and accepted by two different journals, but both journals pulled back on their approval once the political implications of the findings became clear.

The study found that vaccinated children were much more likely than non-vaccinated children to be diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder such as autism (4.7 times more) as well as ADHD (4.7 fold higher) and learning disabilities (3.7 fold higher). Also, fever was over 30 times higher in vaccinated children, while the risk of other allergies was increased as well. Vaccinated children were 22 times more likely to require allergy medication and had more than four times more learning disabilities than non-vaccinated children. In addition, vaccinated children were2½ times more likely to be diagnosed with a chronic illness than non-vaccinated children.