Tag Archives: Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Researching Chiropractic: Gastroesophageal Reflux & Behavioral Issues

There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? 

Probably most of them.

Do you know anyone suffering from the following issues? Chiropractic care can help – here’s the proof!

Gastroesophageal reflux diseasehappy baby no colic

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common during the first year of life, peaking at 4 months of age. In this case, a 4-month-old baby girl with gastro-esophageal reflux disease and plagiocephaly, a flattening of parts of the skull, was brought by her mother for chiropractic care. The mother reported the child had multiple episodes of reflux and vomiting per day. 

Subluxations were found and adjusted in the child’s neck (C2 and C4 vertebrae), lower lumbar (L4) vertebra, and sacroiliac joints. 

The day after the first chiropractic visit that included spinal and cranial care the mother reported that her daughter had a large bowel movement and a longer than normal sleep. The child continued to receive chiropractic care twice a week for two weeks and then once a week for the next four weeks. By the second visit, the mother reported that the vomiting and reflux had decreased. Over the next 3 weeks, both the number of episodes per day and the number of days with vomiting and reflux decreased. By three weeks of care, the child had no more reflux or vomiting. In addition, her skull flattening had disappeared

Improved behavior in a 10-year-old boyChiropractic for Better School Performance

A 10-year-old boy would exhibit dramatic behavioral changes from a calm manner to suddenly becoming violent. He was also reported to have difficulty sleeping due to emotional detachment disorder and frequently suffered from panic attacks. His behavioral instability caused him to be suspended from school.

 He was brought in for chiropractic care. He received adjustments to correct upper cervical, thoracic and lumbopelvic subluxations. His behavior and violent outbursts dramatically improved after 8 chiropractic adjustments. Further improvements were noticed with sleep and anxiety

Reflux, irritability, and more in 7-month-old boystwins-1169064_1920

This is the case of two seven-month-old premature fraternal twin boys with chronic reflux, breastfeeding difficulties, general irritability, excessive crying, skull distortion, and premature closing of the cranial sutures. 

The children received spinal and cranial adjustments. After 8 weeks of chiropractic care, the mother reported a decrease in the severity of the twins’ reflux, lessened breastfeeding difficulties, and decreased irritability. After 16 weeks of chiropractic care, the twins’ reflux had ceased and their cranial symmetry had markedly improved. 


Call to make an appointment:  517.627.4547

Researching Chiropractic: Reflux, Morton’s neuroma, Hypothyroidism

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? 

Probably most of them.

Gastroesophageal reflux diseasepeople-1839564_1920 (1)

A 4-month-old baby girl with GERD was brought by her mother for chiropractic care. The mother reported the child had multiple episodes of reflux and vomiting per day. She received chiropractic and cranial care and her mother reported a large bowel movement and a longer than normal sleep the day after the 1st visit. The baby continued care 2x/week for 2 weeks and 1x/week for the next 4 weeks. By the second visit, her mother reported that the vomiting and reflux had decreased. Within 3 weeks she had no more reflux or vomiting. (1)

Improved behavior, a reduction in violent outbreaks in a 10-year-old boy. child-2844209_1920

This is the case of a 10-year-old boy with behavioral issues, including dramatic changes from a calm manner to suddenly violent actions. He was also reported to have difficulty sleeping due to emotional detachment disorder and frequently suffered from panic attacks.

His mother also reported that he had difficulty noticing when he was sufficiently full following eating. His behavioral volatility caused him to be suspended from school.  Upper cervical, thoracic and lumbopelvic subluxations were discovered in this case. He received spinal adjustments. His changes were recorded through the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile (MYMOP) questionnaires over the course of his treatment. A reduction in an MYMOP score of 6/6 to 16/6 for behavior and violent outbreaks was measured after 8 adjustments. Further improvements were noticed with sleep and anxiety, as well as a dramatically improved awareness of feeling full after eating. (2)

Reflux, irritability, and more in 7-month-old boys. twins-1169064_1920

This is the case of two seven-month-old premature fraternal twin boys with chronic reflux, breastfeeding difficulties, general irritability, excessive crying, plagiocephaly, and scaphocephaly who were presented by their mother for chiropractic care. The children received spinal and cranial adjustments and after 8 weeks of care, the mother reported a decrease in the severity of the twins’ reflux, breastfeeding difficulties, and irritability. At 16 weeks of chiropractic care, the twins’ reflux had ceased and their cranial symmetry had markedly improved. (3)

Morton’s neuroma. woman-3213761_1920

Morton’s neuroma is a nerve tumor in the foot. It is a painful condition that people describe as “walking on a marble.” It usually affects the ball of the foot, often between the 3rd and 4th toes, and feels like a sharp, burning pain. The toes also may sting, burn, or feel numb. The medical or podiatric approach is to give corticosteroid (cortisone) injections or perform surgery to cut out the tumor.
This is the case of a 63-year-old woman who suffered from Morton’s neuroma in her right foot for ten years. She sought chiropractic care for a variety of health complaints. For one month her vertebral subluxations were addressed and reduced using specific chiropractic care. During this period her Morton’s neuroma symptoms completely disappeared and in addition, she reported improvement in her digestion, sleep, and ability to move without pain. (4)

Failure to thrive, oral thrush, and inconsolable crying in a 4-month-old. baby-821625_1920

The baby was medically diagnosed with “Failure to thrive” (FTT) because her weight or size was significantly below that of other children of similar age and gender.  She was reported to have had birth trauma from a nuchal cord-the umbilical cord was completely wrapped around her neck (360 degrees). The child was 4-months-old when she was brought to the chiropractor. She was suffering from inconsolable crying, oral thrush (an overgrowth of the fungus candida Albicans in the mouth and throat), chronic diarrhea and she was dangerously

Chiropractic examination detected vertebral subluxations at C1-C4 (upper neck) and T3-T4 (upper back). The child received chiropractic adjustments from the first visit and afterward was checked for vertebral subluxations that were corrected when indicated for seven weeks.
Her FTT symptoms began to resolve after the first visit and completely resolved by the seventh week of care. (5)

Hypothyroidism reduction under chiropractic care.

A 44-year-old woman was complaining of upper shoulder pain and pain between her shoulder blades after a motor vehicle accident. The accident had occurred 23 years earlier! She had also been taking Armour® Thyroid in order to treat symptoms of smiling-4654734_1920low thyroid function (hypothyroidism). Her spinal X-rays revealed an 80.7% loss of normal neck curve (hyperlordosis) in addition to vertebral subluxations.
She received spinal adjustments over a seven-month period to reduce her subluxations and to improve her spinal and postural alignment.

Thirty days into care she began exhibiting symptoms of an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Her chiropractor suggested that she have her thyroid function checked by her endocrinologist to see if her prescribed thyroid medication should be re-evaluated. After evaluation, the patient’s endocrinologist instructed her to significantly reduce the taking of her thyroid medication. (6)

Do you know anyone who is suffering from any of these symptoms or issues? Please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us.

Call to make an appointment:  517.627.4547

1. Chuang A. Chiropractic treatment of gastro-esophageal reflux disease in a pediatric patient: A case
report. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2014;14(2):1139-1141.
2. Cook JR. A case report of improved behavior and a reduction in violent outbreaks in a 10-year-old boy
with chiropractic care. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2014;14(3).
3.  Collins K, Alcantara J, Holt K. Resolution of breastfeeding and gastrointestinal complaints in infant
twins with plagiocephaly & scaphocephaly following birth trauma: a case series. Journal of Pediatric,
Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. 2015;1:34-41.

4. Lanoue B, Treahy-Geofreda T, Russell D. Resolution of Morton's Neuroma in an elderly patient
receiving Activator Methods chiropractic technique to correct subluxation: a case study. Annals of
Vertebral Subluxation Research. January 4, 2016:1-5.

5. Neally R, Alcantara J. Resolution of failure to thrive in a 4-month-old infant following adjustment of
subluxation: case study & selective review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health
– Chiropractic. 2015;4:149-153.
6 . Bak AD, Engelhardt PR. Improvement in cervical curve and hypothyroidism following reduction of
subluxation utilizing Chiropractic Biophysics: a case study & selective review of the literature. Annals of
Vertebral Subluxation Research. December 10, 2015:226-237.