Tag Archives: diet drinks

Researching Chiropractic: Asthma, Diabetes, and Fibromyalgia

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

researching chiropractic

Asthma, stomach and intestinal complaints, colds, and chiropractic

A 23-month-old child suffering from asthma, gastrointestinal complaints, and frequent colds was brought to a chiropractic office for evaluation and possible care by her parents. She was on various asthma medications and was under constant monitoring by her pediatric pulmonologist. 

Chiropractic care consisted of adjustments to address areas of vertebral subluxations in her cervical (neck), thoracic (midback), and lumbosacral (lower back) spine. 

Within approximately 11 months, the patient’s parents reported a 90% improvement in their child’s condition. All medications were discontinued with a dramatic decrease in asthma symptoms, sinus problems, and frequency of colds. 

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic

 A 36-year-old woman began chiropractic care due to injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident three days prior. Chiropractic examination found vertebral subluxations and the patient was placed on a schedule of chiropractic care. 

The patient was seen over a 12-week period. She responded well to care with dramatic improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms and was placed on a long-term maintenance plan.  

Diabetes and chiropractic

A 61-year-old man presented to the chiropractor with a 20-year history of type 2 diabetes. Chiropractic adjustments were applied to the sites of vertebral subluxations, and dietary modification to reduce inflammation in the body was recommended as well. After 1 month of chiropractic treatment and dietary changes, the patient decided to cease taking medication for the treatment of his type 2 diabetes.  After 2 months of chiropractic care, he returned to his medical doctor who confirmed that his blood-glucose levels had normalized. 

Dr. C notes that her sister dropped her insulin needs to virtually nil after getting under care.

Do you know anyone with the above issues?

Please refer them to us. We can help! 517.627.4547

Diet Sodas and Juices Are Linked to Higher Stroke Risk, Study Says

Researchers found that older women who drank more diet drinks had a higher risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as a higher risk of diet cokedying early from any cause, compared to women who drank fewer of the drinks.

Researchers studied data from more than 81,000 post-menopausal women. After an average follow-up of nearly 12 years, the scientists found that women who drank two or more artificially sweetened drinks a day had a 23% higher risk of having any type of stroke, and a 31% increased risk of having a stroke due to clotting in brain blood vessels, compared to women who reported drinking fewer than one beverage a week (or none at all). (1)

A Daily Diet Soda Habit May Be Linked to Dementia – Both Sugar- and Artificially Sweetened Drinks Might Have Negative Effects On The Brain

MRI scans and cognitive exams of about 4,000 people ages 30 and up found that people who consumed more than three sodas per week – or more than two sugary drinks of any type (soda, fruit juice, and other soft drinks) per day – were more likely to have memory problems, a smaller brain volume and a smaller hippocampus (an area of the brain used in learning and memory. Drinking at least one diet soda a day was associated with smaller brain volume, as well. (2)

  1. Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Kamensky V, Manson JE. artificially sweetened beverages and stroke, coronary heart disease, and all-cause mortality in the women’s health initiative. Stroke. 2019;50:555-562.
  2. Paseabc MP, Himalidbd JJ, Jacquesbe PF et al. Sugary beverage intake and preclinical Alzheimer’s disease in the community. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 2017;13(9):955-964.

Diet Drinks, Stroke and Alzheimer’s

Avoid Eating and Drinking Things that Lead to Stroke and Alzheimer’s

So many things we were told were good for us turned out to be bad for us. People thought margarine was better than butter – now they know margarine causes heart disease.

People thought canola oil was a healthy oil but now we know it’s related to heart inflammation. We thought vegetable oils were better than animal fats but later the reverse was discovered.

Diet Soda is NOT GOOD FOR YOUdiet soda causes alzheimer's

So, here’s another thing we thought was good (or at least better) but is actually worse for us: diet soda.

Rather than keeping you slim it was found that diet drinks make you fat; the chemical that makes them sweet makes you crave carbohydrates. But the commercials show thin people drinking diet soda (the power of marketing).

One Diet Soda a Day Triples Your Risk

And now it gets worse. A new study reveals that artificially sweetened soft drinks are associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke and Alzheimer’s. In fact, even drinking just one artificially sweetened diet Coke or Pepsi a day was associated with a three times greater risk of later developing dementia and stroke.

The researchers found that people who drank a diet soda daily were three times more likely to develop a stroke caused by a blockage of blood vessels and 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia than those who drank an artificially sweetened soda less than once a week. (1)

As the old saying goes, “If your grandparents, or great grandparents didn’t have it, then don’t eat, drink, wash with or breathe it.

  1. Sacco R, Himali JJ, Beiser AS et al. Diet drinks and possible association with stroke and dementia; current science suggests need for more research. American Heart Association Stroke Journal Report. April 20, 2017.