Tag Archives: Detoxify

The Diseases of Civilization

The “diseases of civilization” are those diseases or conditions that were rare or didn’t even exist until modern times. Ironically, we have these diseases even though we live in lands of plenty, clean water, abundant food and drink, and refrigeration! We are also blessed with hot and cold running water indoor plumbing (no outhouses), and we no longer live with cows, pigs, and horses in our homes (thieves would run off with them otherwise).

We are so blessed!

In the olden days, there was much sickness from all the filth. Babies rarely made it past their first month of life. Plagues carried away multitudes! Those good old days were not so good.

New Diseases

While the old diseases and plagues are mostly gone, we now have new diseases: cancer, heart disease, autism, ADD, dyslexia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and many others. What caused this new epidemic of chronic illness?

Our Modern World

Our modern world is full of poisons our ancestors were never exposed to. There are at least 80,000 chemicals in our environment, including toxins from plastics, pesticides, and herbicides such as glyphosate (RoundupT), arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum, phthalates, cleaning products, soaps, and many others.

Dental fillings such as amalgam (mercury), fetal ultrasound (radiation to the developing brain), and many prescription drugs cause damage immediately or years later. 

We should have the healthiest population. Instead, in the US, over half of our children have a chronic illness, 

What to do? 

Start before birth – parents-to-be should detoxify with an organic healthy diet, pregnant women should avoid ultrasound and vaccines, and eat traditional high-fat foods, grass-fed meats, and dairy products. Every day you should have food that is good for your gut (fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, yogurt, and other probiotics). 

Avoid Frankenfoods (unnatural laboratory creations)

Don’t eat foods our grandparents (and great grandparents) never ate vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, canola, and soy that are produced at high temperatures and pressure and are unnatural to our body function (physiology). Other oils include partially hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils such as margarine, CriscoT, and similar products.   Avoid all GMO foods (genetically modified). Avoid conventionally grown foods and go organic. White sugar wasn’t known until a few hundred years ago – it didn’t exist. Highly processed products give us almost no nutrition and even take essential minerals out of our bodies as they are digested and assimilated. 

Go to www.westonaprice.org to learn about traditional diets and foods.

What do I do now? Detoxify!

Traditional ways to get rid of poisons or detoxify are sunbathing, fasting, sauna, exercise, massage, herbs, gallbladder, and liver flushes. See below for an inexpensive universal detox – clay. 

Don’t forget chiropractic adjustments. From infancy to older people, our body detoxes better when it’s subluxation-free. Talk to us.

Call today for an appointment. 627-4547