Questions and Answers About Chiropractic
Why stay subluxation-free?
The chiropractic profession that was founded by Dr. DD Palmer in 1895 is based on the fact that internal structural distortions called subluxations can cause serious health problems.
Subluxations stress your nervous system and interfere with communication among your organs, glands, muscles and other body parts – including your brain and your immune system.
Subluxations can be caused by any trauma:
- difficult birth
- falls
- accidents
- emotional upset
- chemical toxicity
- overwork
- a combination of the above factors
How can chiropractic care improve health?
The answers depend on whom you ask.
For example, a woman now free of monthly pain may say, “Chiropractic is for menstrual problems.”
A pregnant woman may say, “Chiropractic is for a comfortable pregnancy.”
A mother whose child was helped may say, “Chiropractic is for ear infections (or fevers or asthma or colic).”
A teacher may say, “Chiropractic is for dyslexia, vision and learning disorders.”
Another person may say “Chiropractic is for headaches,” while still others may declare chiropractic is for back aches, hearing problems, disc problems, arthritis, high or low blood pressure or a host of other problems.
Chiropractic Care can Enhance Health
Others use chiropractic as a way to maximize sports performance, improve overall health, and enhance balance, strength and fitness.
In addition to all of the above, chiropractic can help everyone live a drug-free, healthy lifestyle.
Subluxations are epidemic in our society; most people have subluxations and don’t know it. For that reason, everyone needs periodic chiropractic checkups.
Schedule yours today! 517.627.4547