Tag Archives: Chinese medicine

Chiropractic for Change in Seasons

What season causes people to get sick the most? The answer may surprise you – it’s not any particular season, it’s the change of seasons.

When seasons change, we must adapt to changes in temperature, humidity, light, energy levels, activity, and more. Adaptation requires a healthy nervous system. That is why you should especially see your chiropractor when the seasons change. Chiropractic keeps your nervous system free of stress so you can adapt to your fullest.

Chinese medicine for winter change

The change of seasons affects our health, and each season has its own way of affecting us. Did you ever wonder why you feel more tired in the winter? 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), winter is a time of cold, darkness, dampness, and inactivity.  It is a time of rest and restoration. In winter you should recharge your batteries as you prepare for Spring. Early to bed and late to rise is best, as is a minimum of spending energy.

TCM considers the kidneys as a source of all energy (Qi) within the body. Your kidneys store all your reserve Qi so that it can be used in times of stress and change, or to heal, prevent illness, and age gracefully.

So during the winter months, it is important to nurture and nourish your energy. If you are less active it’s wise to reduce the amount of food you eat, to avoid gaining weight. Avoid raw foods during the winter as much as possible, as these tend to cool the body. Warming foods for winter include warm hearty soups, whole grains, and roasted nuts to warm the body.  Sleep early, rest well, stay warm, relax, and stay warm by the fire.

Need a Chiropractic Adjustment Tune-Up? Call us today for an appointment! 517 627-4547