Tag Archives: Breech baby

Researching Chiropractic: Tremors, Breech Baby, Headaches

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, or facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? 

Probably most of them.

Essential tremors in a 75-year-old.

Essential tremors are one of the most common forms of involuntary movement disorders. They are most noticeable when eating and writing. This is not to be confused with Parkinson’s Disease where the patient’s movements occur while they are resting. According to some sources, approximately 5% of people over the age of 65 suffer from essential tremors

In this case, a 75-year-old man was suffering from essential tremors that were getting progressively worse over the prior four years. A chiropractic examination using radiographs (X-rays) and neurologic and orthopedic tests revealed vertebral subluxations in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

The patient’s subluxations were addressed (adjusted). He had three visits a week for four weeks and then was reevaluated at the 12th visit. 

At the reassessment, the patient reported that his tremors had improved by 50% since beginning care. The patient stated he was now able to write more efficiently and was now able to eat cereal with a spoon more easily. He continues chiropractic care with the hope that his tremors will eventually completely resolve. (1)

Breech Presentation.

A 30-year-old woman who was 39 weeks pregnant had a breech birth presentation (confirmed by ultrasound). She came to chiropractic care. She had never been to a chiropractor before but was referred to a pediatric chiropractic office because of the positive results another patient had seen from getting adjusted while pregnant. 

The Webster Technique was administered to her which consisted of a sacral adjustment and round ligament trigger point release.  The mother noted significant movement from the baby after the second adjustment. The fetal presentation was confirmed to have changed from frank breech to vertex position via an ultrasound done by her OB/GYN.

The patient came in a total of four times and received the exact same adjustment each visit. 

The patient went into labor within 48 hours after her last adjustment and gave birth to a baby girl through normal vaginal birth. There were no complications. (2)

Chronic headaches in a six-year-old. 

A 6-year-old boy had been suffering from chronic headaches for two years. He experienced these headaches every day or every other day. reported experiencing headaches described as stabbing and intense. 

Medical doctors could find no cause and prescriptions for ibuprofen were ineffective.  The pediatrician subsequently referred the patient to the nearest children’s hospital for further medical workup. 

The child was given an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and a CT scan (computer tomography) to access the cause.  All findings were negative. Referrals were also made to a “concussion specialist” and a neurologist without much help. The patient and his mother returned to his pediatrician who suggested chiropractic care. 

At the chiropractic office, subluxations were discovered in the child’s cervical spine (neck). The subluxations were corrected (adjusted). The child had10 visits over a 2-month period. After his 5th visit, his headaches disappeared and did not return.  10.6% of children experience headaches and few ever know about or receive chiropractic care. Most are placed on drugs and the cause (the subluxation) is never addressed. (3)

Do you know someone with any of these issues?

Please encourage them to make an appointment with us!

(517) 627-4547

  1. Bielke S, Britt J. Reduction of Essential Tremors in a 75-Year-Old Male Following Chiropractic Care: A Case Study & Review of the Literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ May 24, 2022 ~ Volume 2022 ~ Pages 71-78
  2. Poirier N, Loranger C. Resolution of Breech Presentation Confirmed by Ultrasound Following Webster Technique: A Case Report & Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ May 13, 2022 ~ Pages 51-56
  3. Olsen R, Alcantara J. Resolution of Chronic Cervicogenic Headaches in a 6-Year-Old Male Following Care Directed at Vertebral Subluxations: A Case Report. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. Vol 2014, # 4. Pp. 81-86. Dec. 12, 2014

Researching Chiropractic: More Case Studies

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care.

Chiropractors release serious stress (subluxations) from your body. This releases energy for healing, regeneration, and growth.

All people (especially children) need a body free of blockages and stress so they’ll have strong, happy, and healthy lives.

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?

Probably most of them.

Below are some clinical cases illustrating the potential of chiropractic adjustment to correct subluxations. 

Breech baby turns after chiropractic care. Untitled design - 2021-07-29T163256.628

A 26-year-old female in her 27th week of pregnancy with her second child presented for a chiropractic visit after experiencing low back pain. One week later an ultrasound determined the baby was in a breech position. She had a previous natural birth with no complications and was beginning chiropractic care with hopes of avoiding a cesarean section. 

After a series of chiropractic adjustments, the baby moved from a breech position to a normal vertex (or head down) position confirmed through ultrasound. (1) 


Glaucoma, carpal tunnel, hand numbness, and chiropractic care. Untitled design - 2021-07-29T163323.582

A 40-year-old woman suffering from numbness in her arms and hands, and other problems such as neck and shoulder pain, dizziness, headaches, migraines, vertigo, anxiety, low back pain, right hip pain and clicking, numbness in the bottom of her feet, chronic fatigue, and cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc “problems” began chiropractic care. 

Subluxations were located in her sphenoid (cranial bone), occiput (base of the skull), neck (C1, C2, C5, C7), sacrum, and coccyx (tailbone). The patient reported moderate improvement in low back pain and headaches, much improvement in neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain and clicking, and dizziness, and resolved numbness in both her hands and feet. By the 15th visit, she reported a 90% overall improvement and decided to cancel scheduled carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) surgery.

She had also been diagnosed with borderline glaucoma that was steadily worsening. Glaucoma is increased pressure inside the eyeball (intraocular) and is the second leading cause of blindness. By her 15th visit, her intraocular pressure had dropped and her ophthalmologist felt that medical intervention was no longer necessary. (2) 

Arnold-Chiari malformation, headaches, motion sickness, and hearing deterioration. Untitled design - 2021-07-29T163453.580

A six-year-old male diagnosed with vertebral subluxation and Arnold-Chiari malformation suffered from headache, motion sickness, and progressive hearing deterioration. 

The boy’s chiropractic examination consisted of spinal heat reading and X-rays. A subluxation was detected at C1 – the top cervical or neck vertebrae – and the patient was adjusted there. A post adjustment X-ray analysis determined that more care was needed at C2 after which the child received a C2 adjustment. After the first adjustment, the patient reported that his headaches had been eliminated. (3)

Do you know anyone suffering from these things?

Please share this article with them and gently suggest they make an appointment to see us.  517.627.4547

  1. Falk DA, Stinson RA. Resolution of breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound following Webster Technique: a case study. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. 2017;2:74-77.
  2. McClimon ME, McClimon DG, Krotee MW. Improved intraocular pressure in a 40-year-old female following chiropractic care to reduce subluxation. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. June 1, 2017:101-112.
  3. Drury R, O’Keefe C. Resolution of symptoms from Arnold-Chiari malformation in a 6-year-old male following reduction of vertebral subluxation with knee-chest upper cervical care: case report & selective review of the literature. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. May 1, 2017:12-21.