Tag Archives: Alzheimer’s

Diet Drinks, Stroke and Alzheimer’s

Avoid Eating and Drinking Things that Lead to Stroke and Alzheimer’s

So many things we were told were good for us turned out to be bad for us. People thought margarine was better than butter – now they know margarine causes heart disease.

People thought canola oil was a healthy oil but now we know it’s related to heart inflammation. We thought vegetable oils were better than animal fats but later the reverse was discovered.

Diet Soda is NOT GOOD FOR YOUdiet soda causes alzheimer's

So, here’s another thing we thought was good (or at least better) but is actually worse for us: diet soda.

Rather than keeping you slim it was found that diet drinks make you fat; the chemical that makes them sweet makes you crave carbohydrates. But the commercials show thin people drinking diet soda (the power of marketing).

One Diet Soda a Day Triples Your Risk

And now it gets worse. A new study reveals that artificially sweetened soft drinks are associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke and Alzheimer’s. In fact, even drinking just one artificially sweetened diet Coke or Pepsi a day was associated with a three times greater risk of later developing dementia and stroke.

The researchers found that people who drank a diet soda daily were three times more likely to develop a stroke caused by a blockage of blood vessels and 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia than those who drank an artificially sweetened soda less than once a week. (1)

As the old saying goes, “If your grandparents, or great grandparents didn’t have it, then don’t eat, drink, wash with or breathe it.

  1. Sacco R, Himali JJ, Beiser AS et al. Diet drinks and possible association with stroke and dementia; current science suggests need for more research. American Heart Association Stroke Journal Report. April 20, 2017.