Tag Archives: Adaption

Survival – Ashes to Ashes….how to make the space between awesome!

For a while onlookers stand about the corpse marveling at its silence, its stillness, its apparent peace, it is performing its own ancient ritual of death. Its complex systems, organs, tissues, and cells are decomposing, disintegrating, and returning to the simpler forms from which they arose.

There is no stopping this process for the great force, energy, and wisdom that kept this body in constant organization, complexity, and regeneration are gone. What remains is the universal tendency of the complex to return to the simpler, like a delicate house of cards collapsing upon itself.

Now there is no resistance to the onslaughts of the elements. The dead no longer shiver from the cold of night, nor perspire from the heat of the day. The sun dries the skin to dust, and the wind blows the dust away. Our body returns to the earth from which it sprang forth to become part of a greater whole. As a Navajo proverb declares “The earth is a mother who never dies.”

Yet we die. Inevitably. It is no miracle that death ultimately overtakes us; the miracle is that life can, even briefly, flourish, that we are able to resist the law of entropy, the tendency of the organized to irreversibly become disorganized; to return to the earth.

What buoys us up on this hostile sea of existence and mocks the universal forces around us? How do we maintain our inner uniqueness, our multitude of complex molecular and biological forms and activities, and stubbornly refuse to merge into the elements?

That is the miracle of life. All living beings possess the ability to maintain inner complexity, to adapt to the environment.

How is this done?

We are filled with adaptation mechanisms. For example, body temperature must hover around 98.6 degrees F. for our chemistry to function properly no matter what the outside temperature or how active or inactive we are.  

On a torrid 110-degree August day you walk into a frigid 65-degree supermarket, yet your body temperature remains the same. How is this done?  Adaptation mechanisms such as shivering, or perspiring keep our body temperature within a safe range.

Adaptation mechanisms keep us floating upon the sea of existence. They balance blood sugar, blood pressure, and hormone levels, and respond to thousands of physical and emotional stresses every day. They all say the same thing – survive! Survive and thrive amidst life’s challenges.

You’re at war

Your world is constantly assaulting you with physical, emotional, toxic, environmental, and chemical stresses. We are fighting a constant war of adaptation. It is a war of high stakes – your life and health! Life requires constant adaptation.

How is this war fought?

Symptoms are the mechanisms your body uses to bring you into balance (or homeostasis). Symptoms may be uncomfortable, but they are necessary. These include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sneezing, coughing, sweating, shivering (as mentioned above), mucus and pus, skin eruptions, fatigue, lack of appetite (natural fasting), and many more. These are natural ways you cleanse, detox, and heal. 

Symptoms are not diseases; they are the cure for diseases. Suppressing symptoms can lead to deeper health problems. Whether or not you’ll get symptoms and how quickly they go away depends on your ability to respond to and adapt to challenges. 

Adaption is Emotional as Well as Physical

Two people may experience great emotional stress such as divorce or death in a family. One will grieve for a short time and recover while the other may fall into a long depression. Why? It depends on how well they can adapt.

Chiropractic for Adaptation

Your nervous system: brain, spinal cord, and billions of nerves that travel to every nook and cranny in your body continuously transmit information. Adaptation is dependent upon this communication. You need a healthy nervous system so it may send messages all over your body so you may adapt most efficiently, 

Structural subluxations can interfere with your nervous system, weakening you on many levels. Subluxations may stress your brain, spinal cord, and outlying nerves. Chiropractic care is dedicated to locating and correcting your subluxations, permitting your nervous system to operate with less stress – helping you adapt physically, chemically, and emotionally.

Keep yourself and your family adapting at their peak – get regular chiropractic care for your brain, spinal cord, and nervous system health.

Make an appointment with us!

(517) 627-4547