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Researching Chiropractic: Solutions to Common Problems

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Lower back pain after deliveryhypothyroid

A 33-year-old woman presented for chiropractic consultation and care with chronic low back pain. The pain began after a pregnancy approximately three years prior, after she had a C-section.

X-ray analysis showed subluxation/displacement of her pelvis (sacrum). She had two chiropractic care visits. After the first sacral adjustment the next X-ray revealed a 72% correction of the sacral subluxation and she had complete relief of her symptoms. (1)

Bedwetting and ear infections

A 12-year-old girl had years of bedwetting and recurring ear infections (otitis media). Five sets of tubes (tympanostomy) were placed in her ears with no benefit.

Her chiropractic examination revealed subluxations of the upper neck (C2, C4), mid back (T5-8), hips and sacrum.

After two chiropractic adjustments, she woke to use the restroom during the night, which was unusual. After 1½ months and nine adjustments her bedwetting was less frequent. Additionally, she hadn’t had an episode of ear infections in the 1½ years she had been under care. (2)


A 49-year-old man with neck, back and shoulder pain began chiropractic care. Three years earlier his MD diagnosed him with hypothyroidism and prescribed Synthroid®.

His spine was analyzed and adjusted using chiropractic techniques and although there were no changes in his lifestyle, diet or exercise levels his blood tests revealed his thyroid TSH blood levels returned to normal range. His need for synthetic thyroid hormone decreased. His cervical curve additionally improved and his neck, back and shoulder pain resolved. (3)

  1. Hoying M, Alcantara J. Improved health outcomes in a woman experiencing chronic post-partum low back pain. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. 2017;3:128-132.
  2. Marko S, Marko J. Resolution of otitis media and nocturnal enuresis in a 12-year-old patient following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: a case study and selected review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. April 2, 2018:13-25.
  3. Fuller D, Douts B. Improved thyroid function following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: a case study & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. March 19, 2018:57-67.


How Can You Tell if Your Child Has a Subluxation?

There are many simple things that can tell you. Let us count the ways….How Can You Tell if Your Child Has a Subluxation

  • Does one foot turn out or turn in when she walks?
  • Does he have trouble concentrating?
  • When she is laying face up (supine) does one leg appear longer than the other?
  • Is one shoulder higher than the other?
  • Does one arm appear longer than the other when touching palms together and placing hands in front of the body?
  • Is he fidgety? Clumsy? Unable to stay still?
  • When she stands on one foot for a few seconds, then switches her feet, does she have trouble balancing?

But there’s much more to consider too; children exhibiting any neurological or immunological condition need to be checked by a chiropractor for subluxations (and adjusted if any are found).

Subluxations relate to:

  • allergies
  • asthma
  • ASD
  • ADD
  • poor immune function
  • headaches,
  • even cancer (see below)
  • colds
  • heart conditions
  • eye/vision problems
  • ear/hearing problems
  • digestive problems
  • poor energy
  • and much, much more.

Got it? Your children get their eyes, teeth, etc. checked – how about their spines? All children need to be checked for subluxations. Bring in the whole family.

Medical Breakthrough or Just Hot Air?

Every week we hear headlines about another “medical breakthrough” whether it be for cancer, the common cold or hangnails. But then a funny thing happens – we don’t hear about these great breakthroughs anymore. Our lives go on and so do the diseases. What happens to these amazing discoveries that would save us from suffering, extend our lives and make us healthy, wealthy, wise and give us better singing voices (OK, at least healthy)?

medical breakthrough

These “medical breakthroughs” are fake news (to coin a phrase) but they sell. Many of these so-called “breakthroughs” are produced by professional advertising agencies who give it to the media and they just run with it. After all, it does sell. Who doesn’t hope that they (whoever they are) will finally cure (fill in the blank)? We read all about it.

medical breakthrough

No one remembers the stories that have disappeared. We won’t ever read or hear, “News flash, remember that exciting breast cancer cure from last month? Well, never mind.” Or at best it’ll be buried on page 39 near the obituaries (where it would belong).

What we need is for media reporters to perform an unnatural act: report on past medical breakthroughs. Recently some researchers did just that and did follow-ups of the so-called cures.

What did they find? The majority of the medical breakthroughs were found to be just so much hot air. They couldn’t be replicated by other scientists. (1)

In an interview, lead author, Dumas-Mallet advises: “When a study is an initial study, even if it’s very exciting and amazing … it still needs to be confirmed.” (2)

This seems like a good time to remember Ronald Reagan’s famous dictum, “Trust, but verify.”

  1. Dumas-Mallet E, Smith A, Boraud T, Gonon F. Poor replication validity of biomedical association studies reported by newspapers. PLOS One. February 21, 2017.
  2. Harris R. Reports of medical breakthroughs don’t prove out. Health News from NPR. March 6, 2017.

Nourishing Traditions: Raw Milk

Raw milk is healthier and saferraw milk

Raw milk is completely fresh and unprocessed (not pasteurized). Raw milk has more nutrients, enzymes and minerals than pasteurized milk where the heating process damages vitamins and enzymes. Raw milk promotes health.

Studies show that raw milk protects against asthma, allergies, eczema and respiratory infections. Reports gathered by the Weston A. Price Foundation indicate that you are at least thirty-five times more likely to contract illness from other foods than from raw milk. There has never been a confirmed death from raw milk, but there have been more than 70 deaths from pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products.

Paraw milksteurized milk is much more dangerous than raw milk. Even more significant is that higher mortality rates in men and women, with a higher fracture incidence, were found in those using pasteurized as opposed to raw milk. (1)

For more information about nutrition click here and put “raw,” “pasteurized,” “milk,” etc. in the search engine and see what you find.

Note here: Cheech and Chong are apparently taking up this issue now….now that pot is becoming more accepted, they are on to the next BIG THING…..not sure I would want their help…but there you are!

  1. Michaëlsson K, Wolk A, Langenskiöld S. Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies. British Medical Journal. 2014;349:g6015.

Why Greens Keep Making People Sick

By Dr. Mercolagreens

This article was originally published on this website.

The news across the U.S. with respect to contamination involving bagged and chopped romaine lettuce continues to worsen. After a multi state outbreak dating back to March 13, 2018, involving at least 121 known Escherichia coli (E. coli) infections spanning 25 states, including one death, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has isolated the problem lettuce to Yuma, Arizona.1

Because it takes an average of two to three weeks for this type of outbreak-related illness to be reported, even more cases are expected to be made known in the coming weeks.

To date, more than 50 people have been hospitalized with a nasty E. coli infection and at least 14 victims have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a type of kidney failure, making this quite a serious matter.2 Yuma-grown greens purchased at the grocery store, as well as those served in restaurants, are equally suspect. Sadly, most bagged salad brands do not identify the region where they are grown and processed, making identification difficult.

For that reason, until further notice, consumers are advised to avoid consuming all types of romaine lettuce, including hearts and whole heads, in addition to bagged and chopped romaine, as well as any salad mixes containing romaine grown in the Yuma region.3 Rather than guess if your favorite salad greens are safe, the wisest move is to avoid buying or eating any romaine lettuce or mixes containing romaine until the situation improves.

If you have any doubt, throw it out! Thankfully, there are many other salad greens and vegetables you can eat safely until this situation resolves. I’d also like to suggest a few tips that will help you enjoy salad greens and other produce safely going forward.

Why Are There so Many Health and Safety Issues With Salad Greens?

It’s no secret U.S. consumers love the convenience of prewashed produce that is sold in bags, clamshells and tubs. Unfortunately, those types of greens are precisely the ones continually implicated in outbreaks associated with foodborne illness. In fact, says The Washington Post, food-safety experts suggest “convenience greens — those handy bags of prechopped and prewashed salads — carry an extra risk because they come in contact with more people and machinery before they arrive on your plate.”4

  1. coli is quite common — its many strains are found in food and the environment and also live in animal and human intestines. Thankfully, most E. coli infections are tolerable, if not harmless. The types of E. coli known to cause illness are often transmitted through contaminated food and water or through contact with animals or people. For example, in a large 2006 outbreak of E. coli involving spinach, wild pigs and well water were suspected causes.5

Do You Know Where Your Salad Greens Are Grown?

Due to the industrialization of our food system, Americans eat produce from all over the world, regardless of whether it is in season locally. It’s not unusual to go to the supermarket and return with fruits and vegetables grown and harvested in Canada and Mexico, as well as countries in Europe and South America, among others. Although enjoying seasonal produce raised far from home has become the norm, this convenience is not without a cost.

According to The New York Times,8 the majority of bagged romaine lettuce provided to grocery stores and restaurants across North America is grown in California’s Salinas Valley. There is, however, one exception: In late fall and winter, the industry makes a seasonal move to Yuma.

Given the timing of the current E. coli outbreak, authorities believe the infected romaine was very likely grown in Yuma. While more details will be forthcoming, it seems likely the outbreak was caused either by an animal defecating in a field or some form of contaminated water runoff.

It’s worth noting that concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are a major source of water contamination throughout the U.S. Even the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) states, “Nationwide and in Arizona, the potential for surface and ground water pollution exists through livestock facility discharge of manure-contaminated run off to natural waterways and through wastewater leaching to aquifers.”9

While the source of the outbreak has not yet been pinned down, it’s certainly possible that industrialized agriculture has played a role. On a brighter note, because most of the industry’s bagged romaine production shifted back to California in April, says The New York Times, the Yuma-grown produce should be out of the food supply shortly.10

“Hopefully with it being in one particular growing region and that region moving to California, it won’t be too much longer [before you can begin eating romaine again],” said Laura Gieraltowski, Ph.D., who leads the foodborne outbreak response team within the CDC’s outbreak response and prevention branch. “It’s a fast-moving outbreak,” she said. “We’re getting reports of new illnesses daily from our state and local health departments.”11

Ways to Safeguard Your Health When Eating Greens

While you may think washing your lettuce would eliminate the bacteria, the truth is it takes but a few cells of E. coli to make you sick. Despite the fact that rinsing your produce with water — even the brands that claim to be triple washed — may lower your risk of illness, it doesn’t eliminate your risk entirely. Washing is no guarantee you will get rid of potential toxins. Beyond that, some experts suggest using commercial fruit and vegetable washes are not much more effective than water alone.25

Although some recommend a light bleach solution, I cannot recommend bleach for household cleaning applications and even less so for food preparation. The best way to ensure the cleanliness of your food and food-preparation area is to apply common sense. Below are a few tips that will guide you in handling produce and other foods safely.


  • Wash your hands with soap and water before handling food, and most especially after handling raw meat.
  • Use a scrub brush to remove dirt and debris from root vegetables or any fruit or vegetable with a rough skin.
  • Rinse all produce, even bagged varieties, well under running water.
  • Remember loose produce is touched and handled by many other people before it is purchased by you; wash it well before eating.
  • Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meat.
  • When chopping more than one type of food, wash your counter, cutting board and utensils frequently to avoid cross contamination.
  • Do not prepare food for others when you are sick.

Because most of the people affected by the current E. coli outbreak became ill after eating at restaurants that used bagged, pre-chopped lettuce in their salads,26 you can dramatically reduce your risk of infection simply by avoiding salads when dining out and by eating more meals at home. Beyond that, since raw greens pose the most risk, you may decide to cook more of your greens to reduce your risk of contamination.

Two safe options for consuming greens are steaming or using a pressure cooker — you may want to add some healthy fat to promote maximum absorption. In my opinion, your very best

option is to grow your own food. Whether that be in a vegetable garden, in containers or in trays, you won’t regret the time and energy you invest in cultivating healthy, homegrown food.

The good news is greens such as lettuce are among the easiest garden vegetables to grow, and they are prolific. By planting new seeds every 10 days, you can receive multiple harvests throughout the growing season. Depending on where you live, you may be able to grow certain greens year-round. If gardening is just not your thing, consider purchasing your greens from a local farmers market instead of the grocery store.

Interesting Facts about Margarine

Margarine was invented in France by Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès in 1869, during the Franco-Prussian wars. He invented it in response to a competitive challenge from the French government under Napoleon III, who was looking for a cheap and stable substitute for butter, and offered a big prize to anyone who could pull it off.

DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?margarine

Read on to the end…gets very interesting!

Both have the same amount of calories.   Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams; compared to 5 grams for margarine.

Eating margarine can increase heart disease

Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.

Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and only because they are added!    Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods.

Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years .

And now, for Margarinemargaine

  • Very High in Trans fatty acids
  • Triples risk of coronary heart disease
  • Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)
  • Increases the risk of cancers up to five times
  • Lowers quality of breast milk
  • Decreases immune response
  • Decreases insulin response

And here’s the most disturbing fact… HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC… and shares 27 ingredients with PAINT.

These facts alone should enough to have us avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).

Open a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:

  • no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)
  • it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value ; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow.

Why? Because it is nearly plastic . Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?

Share This With Your Friends…..(If you want to butter them up’)!

Researching Chiropractic: Fainting

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.


A 57-year-old woman complaining of sudden blackouts (fainting) was diagnosed with “vasovagal syncope” (VVS), a sudden, brief, temporary loss of consciousness (LOC).

She also had constant neck pain primarily on the right and inability to turn her head fully to the right.

She had tried prescribed medication and her MD recommended surgically implanting a pacemaker to regulate her nerve function. She refused.

Chiropractic examination and X-ray analysis revealed vertebral subluxations of the upper neck or cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2).

Her VVS completely disappeared and never returned after her first visit. By her fourth visit her neck pain and limited range of motion greatly diminished.

Friedman R, Friedman A. Resolution of vasovagal syncope (VVS) following upper cervical chiropractic care: a case study & review of the literature. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. February 8, 2018:1-12.

Researching Chiropractic: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

A 21-year-old woman began chiropractic care complaining of low back pain and of radiating numbness into her legs and feet. X-ray and other analysis revealed a left-sided scoliosis (her spine was twisted to the left) plus an exaggerated mid-back (thoracic) and lower back (lumbar) curve.

She was analyzed for subluxations. Her chiropractic care addressed and corrected her subluxations and over a period of five months of care (a total of 62 visits) her left-leaning scoliosis reduced from 20° to 12.5°. Additionally, her mid-back curve reduced from 63° to 40° and her low-back curve reduced from 70° to 65°.

By seven months of care she experienced improvement of over 50% in well-being and a 50% reduction of her physical complaints.

Fox M, Tveitnes E-B. Reduction of idiopathic scoliosis and musculoskeletal complaints & improved state of well-being in a 21-year-old following chiropractic: a case study & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. January 25, 2018:12-22.

Researching Chiropractic: Crohn’s disease

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Crohn’s disease and chiropracticCrohn's disease

A 60-year-old man diagnosed with Crohn’s disease was suffering from abdominal pain and cramping, stiffness all over his body, diarrhea and a generalized feeling of sickness and malaise. His symptoms had begun six years prior and developed gradually.

When he began chiropractic care, he was taking multiple medications for his condition that he felt were not helping. He was unable to go more than one hour without experiencing symptoms.

Chiropractic examination revealed subluxations at multiple levels as well as a poor diet. Subluxation-centered chiropractic care was initiated and his diet was addressed to restore proper intestinal gut flora. The patient reported immediate relief following his first and second adjustments with complete resolution of Crohn’s disease over the course of care. He was able to stop taking all medications after nine months of care. The patient’s complete remission was confirmed by his endocrinologist.

Phillips MA, Wilt TB. Complete remission of Crohn’s disease following subluxation centered chiropractic care: a case report & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research.March 10 2018, 2018:38-47.

Nourishing Traditions: Cholesterol

Cholesterol is actually REALLY important!cholesterol

We have heard about “dangerous” cholesterol for years, but cholesterol is essential for:

  • proper brain function
  • energetic muscles
  • a strong immune system
  • a long, healthy life

Cholesterol is so important it is made by nearly every cell in your body. In fact, recent studies reveal that the higher the cholesterol level in the elderly, the longer they live! (1-2) High cholesterol has repeatedly been shown not to cause heart attacks or cardiovascular disease.

If a person’s cholesterol is higher than average that is a sign that there is inflammation somewhere in the body. Inflammation is associated with cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes – in fact all the “diseases of civilization.”

Cholesterol is anti-inflammatory; it fights inflammation

Cholesterol molecules are like firemen in your body – they help put out the fire of inflammation. If you see high cholesterol you should put out the fire (the inflammation), not shoot the firemen.

What can cause elevated cholesterol? Stress – physical, chemical and emotional stress – such as dental infections, subluxations, toxicity and an unhealthy diet full of bad oils, poor quality fats, refined foods, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc.

Because your body needs cholesterol to work properly, if you eat a “low-cholesterol” diet your cells will simply make more cholesterol to keep your amount at a healthy level.

That is why cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) such as LipitorT and CrestorT, that interfere with cholesterol synthesis, cause:

  • muscle pain
  • cancerCholesterol2
  • dementia
  • suicide
  • depression
  • sudden heart death

In addition, cholesterol-lowering drugs don’t get to the cause of inflammation; they are suppressing a beneficial symptom.

Do your heart, brain, nerves and muscles a favor and enjoy cholesterol. Include lots of healthy fats in your diet such as butter; coconut, olive and avocado oils; lard, tallow (beef fat), chicken fat and duck fat to fight inflammation.

Just as importantly avoid unhealthy fats such as vegetable oils like canola, soy, corn, cottonseed, safflower, peanut and other unnatural oils. Especially stay away from trans-fats and hydrogenated fats such as CriscoT and margarine and fake butter “spreads.” They are a “heart attack in a can.”

  1. Towards a paradigm shift in cholesterol treatment. A re-examination of the cholesterol issue in Japan: Abstracts. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2015;66(suppl 4):1-116.
  2. Ravnskov U et al. Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review.BMJ open.6.6(2016): e010401.