Latest News from Charmaine: May 2018

Greetings All!April 2018

Well, we flipped the switch from Winter to Summer in a hurry, didn’t we?  I usually love the way Spring teases us with daily extra color, but we went from nothing to full on color in less than a week.   It is comforting to know that Mother Nature will win out in the end….but I miss her gentleness.

May is, of course, the month of Mother’s day….hope all Moms and G-moms were spoiled…we did our little bit by handing out carnations on the Thursday and Friday leading up to the weekend….

Given my article in the newsletter about greens and sickness…this might be the year to plan/plant a small veggie garden or grow your own micro greens.

As you enjoy the wonderful outdoors, keep in mind that we are here for you to help you when you slip and fall and subluxate that spine…with good nerve supply all things are possible!

See you in the office/on the table/on the mat/under the barbells!

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