Latest News from Charmaine: March: Spring is Finally Here

Greetings All!Latest News fro Charmaine: March Newsletter

Well, as you get this newsletter, we are on the cusp of Spring (according to the calendar—not Mother Nature!).

This is really not time to throw caution to the wind, as the weather can still sneak in a few snow events yet and the conditions can be less than optimal…So, still be careful out there….AND get checked and adjusted if you have an OOPS!

We will be away from the office April 10th thru the 17th as we are heading over for Alfred’s christening which will happen on Easter Sunday and as is the tradition there, several other babies from the valley will be christened at the Valley church, a hop and skip from Damaris and Anders house.

Meanwhile enjoy the roller coaster weather..AND THIS NICE FULL NEWSLETTER!

See you in the office, on the table, on the mat or under the barbells.

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