Tag Archives: self care

Latest News from Charmaine: September 2019

Greetings all!

Well, as we pass the Labor Day holiday we really begin to recognize that Summer has passed and we move into one of my FAVE seasons..FALL.   I love the colors and smells and food and rituals associated with this time of the year and it is always nice to settle into a routine again.

Altho’ there is one thing we need to be aware of  and that is taking care of ourselves.  With the kids/grandkids back at school and all the attendant events that this generates, we really need to be sure that we carve at least 1 day a week ( worse case scenario a ½ day but not a top choice) and make time to chill as a family…time to go for a tramp in the woods and decompress or go to some fun event where everybody can let their hair down a little and just enjoy.  There are lots of farmers markets, harvest festivals, and craft festivals around where you can meander, browse, and just chill as a means to decompress. As the colder weather approaches, how about game nights (trivial pursuit style, I mean).

Another way to decompress is find some activity like Yoga, Tai Chi, or sports related activities as a great form of exercise and a way to blow off steam. Check out my yoga class schedule. I’d love to have you join! 

I love my yoga and my power lifting and feel so recharged after a session.  I just competed in The Michigan Senior Olympics for the 6th time and have another competition at the end of September.


fall leaves

Latest News from Charmaine: October Newsletter: Self-Care

Latest newsGreetings all,

Happy Fall..altho’ Mother Nature seems somewhat confused herself as to what is going on in her world.

As Fall settles in, we really need to be aware of our own self-care.  If the media is to be believed, this is Flu and cold season.

Well…. BAD NEWS.

There is actually no such a thing as a Flu/cold season except in the minds of Big Pharma.


What there really is, is…

  • A lack of adequate hydration because we don’t feel thirsty.
  • A lack of exercise for many reasons related to a lack of priority….Exercise is vital and it needs to be prioritized and not be the first thing to go when the schedule gets funky. If it means an early start to your day than there are no excuses needed later on.
  • A lack of fresh air….bundle up and get out for a walk– it will do you good…remember sitting is the new smoking!!
  • A lack of adequate rest.
  • A lack of fresh fruit and veggies in the diet.   I make 3-5 salads in a bottle/tupperware container on Sunday evening (ask me if you want details) for the week, especially to eat them after my lunch-time training session…No excuses and I save myself the temptation of eating something I will only regret.  Remember living raw food does not come thru’ a drive thru window!

Stay safe…see you on the table, under the barbells, on the yoga mat or around town!