Keep Coming Just To Stay Healthy

A young lady came to our office just before we left on vacation in crisis.  Her neck was so badly subluxated that she was in tears and was sobbing as Dr. Ray adjusted her.  He left her to rest after taking her X-rays so that he could develop the X-rays.

After checking and readjusting her… She walked out smiling and saying she never knew Chiropractic was so marvelous…and she would keep coming just to stay healthy.!!!


Brad called us from Hawaii where he has just returned to ecstatically report that his neck has been happier since his adjustments in this office and that his blood pressure had returned to normal since his last adjustment in the office.” A great relief and you guys are absolutely the best!”


Sally came to us a few weeks before a trip to Europe, suffering from a hip, foot and hamstring issue that was concerning her as she was planning to be walking A LOT. We are happy to report that Sally’s issues were successfully resolved and the trip was a great success!!!

Nancy S

Nancy S comments that she can move with a whole lot less pain, and doesn’t need to sit down to rest her back as often.

Ted S

Ted S brags that he can now mow the lawn with ease and that turning over in bed is no longer a problem.

Terry S

Terry S comments that his balance has improved and he has a greater range of motion in his lower back.

Val B

Val B says that she “ has always had a high energy level, now her body can keep up!”

Amy S

Amy S comments that the number of sinus attacks have decreased drastically and that she handled the flu far easier than any member of her family. She also reports that she has in increased awareness of her posture and has notice that the “tension in her shoulders is gone!”

John M

John M, an avid runner and golfer, comments that his flexibility has improved, he has greater energy and both his running and his golf have improved.

Mark C

Mark C tells us that he “has been able to stay pain free for much longer periods of time and that, on the days he combines Tai Chi with his chiropractic care, he is much more productive.”