Spring is playing coy with her “springy” days and smells (let’s pretend we didn’t see the mud, shall we?) It is a time to enjoy the first bird sightings, listen to the birdsong, and watch the gentle greening of the world around us.
Garden dreams will slowly begin to take shape and it is always important that you don’t dive head first (literally and figuratively, LOL) into you projects. Plan them out so the right tools are handy and remember- that while the temptation is there to kill the project …..ROME was not built in a day and weekend warriors pay a heavy price for wayyyyy too much enthusiasm!!
This newsletter talks about the evils of diet pop/soda pop drinks…..something to think about. It’s always interesting to hear someone order fries and a diet pop as that is probably a pretty lethal combination there and no calories are saved in the effort in reality.
Also, read an interesting article about how chiropractic promotes wellness.
As a newish grandmother I love the piece about the way grandparents are perceived by their grand kids and this Grammy loves her Face Time with her little man (he sometimes demands that Mom call us so he can talk, which I think is a hoot!)
Meanwhile, enjoy the arrival of spring in all her wonderment.
Make sure you get checked and adjusted so that you can enjoy spring and see you in the office, on the yoga mat or under the barbells!