Tag Archives: ederly care

How Do the Elderly Benefit from Chiropractic Care?

Elderly Chiropractic Care Could Replaces Some Drug Therapieselderly chiropractic care

The elderly are among our most drugged citizens. It is not unusual for an elderly person to be taking many different medications and suffering from serious reactions to them.

In fact, drugs can interact in many unusual ways that are more damaging than if they are taken individually. The side effects are sometimes addressed by giving the patient more drugs. This is known as polypharmacy.

Chiropractic offers a drug-free alternative to an over-drugged population.

Why? Because your body is the world’s greatest drugstore, able to make every drug and chemical you need. Chiropractic helps turn on this internal pharmacy.

Studies show that the elderly benefit very much from chiropractic and take fewer drugs, are more active and see doctors and hospitals much less. (1-2)

Comment from Dr. C:  If you have a spine you need to get checked.  Being free of subluxations can improve the quality of life and also help to arrest to some degree any spinal degeneration.

Prevacid(TM), Prilosec(TM), Nexium(TM)elderly chiropractic care

Speaking of dangerous drugs. There is a type of drug referred to as a proton pump inhibitor or PPI – drugs that are commonly used to mask the symptoms of heartburn, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems. These PPIs have been found to increase the risk of death by 50%, according to a new study carried out at the Washington University School of Medicine.

Millions of people take these drugs. They are easily obtainable as non-prescription, over-the-counter drugs marketed as PrevacidT, PrilosecT, and NexiumT. They are not safe.

In addition to increased death rates, these heartburn medications are linked to an increased risk of kidney damage, bone fractures and dementia. (3)

  1. Rupert RL, Manuello D, Sandefur R.Maintenance care: health promotion services to US chiropractic patients aged 65 and over, Part 11. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.2003;23(1):10.
  2. Marino MJ, Phillippa ML.A longitudinal assessment of chiropractic care using a survey of self-rated health wellness & quality of life: a preliminary study. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research.1999;3(2):1-9.
  3. Xie Y, Bowe B, Li T et al. Risk of death among users of Proton Pump Inhibitors: a longitudinal observational cohort study of United States veterans.BMJ Open.2017;7(6):e015735. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015735