Tag Archives: dandelions

Latest News From Charmaine: April 2018

Greetings all!April 2018

There is a song that goes April showers brings May flowers….but what the heck does this chilly weather bring?

MOTHER Nature is sorely testing our patience, isn’t she? …Spring is so close and yet so far away. And, of course, being the human creatures we are, we will probably soon be whining about how hot it is.

So, on the power lifting front, I was invited to 3 different National events this year and due to circumstance beyond my control (too short notice and recovering from an injury), could not go to any of them. I am competing again in June and at the Senior Olympics in August, so I may get another invitation next year…who knows!

On the health care front, we have included an article about making resolutions in Spring when the fresh veggies come to the forefront and we have a chance to lighten up on the heavy comfort food of winter.

See you in the office/on the table/on the mat or under the barbells!!!


April 2018