Latest News From Charmaine: November Newsletter: De-stress the Season

Latest newsNovember Newsletter

Greetings all,

Well, the “chillier” weather tells us that the end of year rituals and events are shortly upon us. Check out the article about how to de-stress the season.

Have fun in the Snow!

Even with all the cold and probable snow events, please make every effort to work smart, not rushed and maybe even change some of it into a more fun related event where fun and not perfection are the keys to the shoveling and making a snowman or throwing snowballs! Or going for a tramp in the woods!

Be Careful on Slippery Surfaces

With the cooler weather and all the attendant slips and falls that litter the season, make sure to get checked as soon as possible after the event so that you can have a great holiday season……suffering is always optional, not mandatory.

My Latest Competition

I competed in my final power lifting event for the year earlier this month.  Next year, with the arrival of Grandson Lanjopoulos-Smedsrud, my focus will change somewhat and I will have a less competition oriented year.

Plans for the New Year

This is the time of the year to spend reflecting on the past year and making plans for next year.  Make sure to include some healthy activities like exercise and eating cleaner as well as getting checked regularly as priorities, not crisis decisions.


See you on the table, under the barbells, on the yoga mat or around town!

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